Reading, Consultation & Teaching Intensive
Day One – Special Tactics
Overview of What, Why, How and When
- What is astrology?
- Why does it work?
- How does it work?
- When are the specific things going to happen?
Don’t lose sight of:
- All pervasive qualities of Ascendant
- Identity (1st house/Sun) vs. Ego (3rd house/Mars, Mercury)
- Masculine and Feminine
Look Hard at a Confluence (through ascendant, planets, etc.) of:
- Elements (through ascendant, planets, etc) (Strength and Weaknesses)
- Gunas (Note the excesses and tension)
- House / Karaka Pileups
- Other factors that might arise. EX: a tendency toward aggression or greed or devotion.
Look hard at continuity and flow, mainly related to house indications
- Ex: 2nd house – 3rd house – 4th house & Rulers
- Ex2: Opposite houses and their lords.
- Prioritize these things with Dasas
“Swiss Army Knife” Indicators (Exact Degrees, Retrograde / Combust planets, Hemming, etc.)
Day Two – Reading Strategies
Staying with what you know.
- Start with narrow, themed readings (Career, relationships, etc)
- It’s OK to say “no” to certain things (because you do not know or do not comply)
- Have good boundaries with time and accountability for their problems.
- It is your job to manage the reading. They will respect you for doing so. Some of the time you may have to
Setting the frame
- Explain the structure of the reading to show you are in control.
- 5-15 minute “Opening” (start with their birth info to double-check / read any notes).
- Use a reading template as a guide.
- Scan for factors and synthesize (like what we discussed yesterday)
- Insist on no interruptions at first – be the Alpha.
- Integrate their already voiced concerns
Moving it forward, answering questions and empowering clients
- Insist on their feedback at times and for them to give an example of what they
- Make sure they understand that everything is “their karma”.
- 3 Karakas and harmonic charts for knowing the answer to their question.
- Dasas and transits together.
Finishing and preparing for the end
- With about 10 minutes left, make sure they know time almost up.
- Say something like “we have 10 minutes left. So any questions, while we have time”.
- Get them to ask all of their questions at once. Listen to them all.
- Answer them first quickly, then fill in the details.
- Summarize
Day Three – Teaching Astrology
How to organize information
- From the most general to the most specific
- Use Frameworks (like gunas, elements)
How to communicate effectively
- Speak of how things grow and “evolve” (through framewoks).
- Speak of “inner and outer” implications.
- Zoom “in and out” from big picture to granular.
- Comparison / Contrast with opposites
- Use examples and stories
- Be natural. Be yourself. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and look real.
Deploy the Seven Learning Styles
- Visual(spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
- Aural(auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
- Verbal(linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
- Physical(kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
- Logical(mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
- Social(interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
- Solitary(intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
7 learning styles –
How to stay in control of a class
- Narrow the topic
- Insist on a tight focus for the students to stay on topic.
- Do not allow constant interruptions
- Invite strategic engagement and “Q&A” times.
- Explain these things at the beginning.
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