Harmonic Charts & Precise Strategies Class



  • The important conceptual differences between the Rasi Chart and the Harmonic Charts. This is crucial if you are going to know how to interpret them and avoid confusion. One is Astronomical and one is extrapolated from each Rashi, etc.
  • Overcoming the false choice / confusion of “What if the Rasi Chart shows one thing, but the Harmonic Chart Shows something else, then what?” This false choice comes from not understanding the differences laid out above.
  • How to calculate and use each of the 16 Harmonic charts in Vedic Astrology, and which ones to mainly focus on and why.
  • How to read each chart both in general (to see general tendencies) and at specific times (In certain Dasas cycles) and in specific ways. (For specific skills and details).
  • Modern “No no’s” with regard to Harmonic charts. Now there are many mistakes relative to Harmonic Charts (Nakshatras?, Transits?, Aspects?, etc). I will clarify as many of these issues as possible.
  • Classical references and delineations.
  • Special Deities and mystical connections seen in certain Harmonic charts. These “deity driven” charts can reveal enormous hidden power.
  • Integrating the Harmonic Charts with the Rasi Chart. Knowing how to assess the “Ratio of Priorities” from the Rasi chart and see how it is interpreted in the appropriate harmonic chart. This is a special method that you will not learn anywhere else – and it is deadly accurate.
  • How to Dial-in the correct Dasa implications from each Harmonic chart, and compare it to the potential from the Rashi Chart.
  • Ripening of Karmas formula. This unique formula was developed by Sam years ago and is rock solid and goes to an even deeper level once you integrate Harmonic charts.


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