Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

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    CoVianna Young

    Hi Franz,

    Yes the recorded homeworks 2 and 3 have landed successfully in the 2022 Dropbox. Feedback coming soon.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    Hi CoVianna,

    Thank you so much for the feedback!! It has really brightened up my day to read your kind words. 🙂
    I will work on the Transits homework next – apologies for inadvertently skipping it.

    Kind regards,


    Hi CoVianna,

    Thank you I really appreciate your reply and I am looking forward to your feedback.

    Have a great day,




    Hi CoVianna,
    Hope you are well? I have uploaded the Week 5 Transits homework. Apologies for skipping it – I think I inadvertently missed it when I was ill with Covid. Thanks for reminding me and for allowing me to submit it out of sequence.

    Kind regards,


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Franz,

    Here is feedback for Hwk 2:
    Franz Gurtlinger: Hwk 2 – Mini relationships reading. I appreciate that you have put a lot of effort into this Franz, however, this reading is a little bit all over the place.. The template is provided in the homework task and following that is the best way to go about it. Begin the reading explaining the 3 Karakas for relationship [Section 1 Natural Karaka (Venus), House Ruler (7th), the House itself (7th)]. The Natural Karaka – common for everyone. The 7th House Ruler shows how the client will experience the lesson of Venus and compromise. What affects that planet will show how their relationships will unfold, what kind of partner they will look for and how they will experience them. The 7th house itself will show the feelings of compromise and relationships themselves. Any planets there will condition the relating experience. This is how you explain it – in these general terms.

    Now, move onto specifics for this client. This is where section 2 comes in – Quick overview of the person as it relates to Relationships ie:the first house itself and where the ruler is placed (the Ascendant/ruler is the person in that area of life).

    Section 3 is where you go into the specifics of the client’s rasi chart, based on the 3 Karakas for relationship and synthesising what is going on for Venus, the 7th house ruler and the 7th house and any planets in that house (sometimes it’s empty).

    I hope this clarifies what to do here for you Franz. You are most welcome to have another go at this and submit, or you may just want to refer to these pointers when you do any relationship readings.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Franz,

    Here is feedback for Hwk 3:
    Franz Gurtlinger: Hwk 2 – Mini Career reading. I appreciate that you have put a lot of effort into this Franz, however, this reading too, is a little bit all over the place. As I explained for Hwk 2, the template is provided in the homework task and following that is the best way to go about it.

    Begin the reading explaining the 3 Karakas for Career [Section 1 Natural Karakas (Sun and Saturn), House Ruler (10th), the House itself (10th)]. The Natural Karakas – common for everyone. The 10th House Ruler shows how the client will experience the lessons of Saturn and Sun. What affects that 10th house Ruler will show how their career will unfold, what kind of goals etc, they will have and how they will experience them. The 10th house itself will show the strength of career support in their life, such as their ability to handle pressure and take on public oriented responsibility. Any planets there will further the career experience. This is how you explain it – in these general terms.

    Now, move onto specifics for this client. This is where section 2 comes in – Quick overview of the person as it relates to Relationships ie:the first house itself and where the ruler is placed (the Ascendant/ruler is the person in that area of life).

    Section 3 is where you go into the specifics of the client’s rasi chart, based on the 3 Karakas for Career and synthesising what is going on for Saturn and Sun, the 10th house ruler and the 10th house and any planets in that house (sometimes it’s empty).

    I hope this clarifies what to do here for you Franz. You are most welcome to have another go at this and submit, or you may just want to refer to these pointers when you do any Career readings.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Franz,
    I forgot to write in your feedback and this is for all ALL students:
    That is to remember to turn off mobile phones and email ‘landing’ sound alerts during delivering a reading, as this is very distracting for the client and will break any rapport you have built with them.

    Onwards and Upwards CoVianna


    Hi CoVianna,
    Thanks for your feed back and great advice. I am going also listen to the readings again while thinking about your feedback and looking at the template. I am also going to try it again when I have some time, I really want to get this down. Thanks again,



    CoVianna Young

    Hi Dina,

    Here is feedback for Hwk 4 (class 5).
    Dina Gower: Hwk 4 – Transits Reading. In regards to the overview of the chart section: great picking up that Moksha theme. The overview was discussed very well in the layman’s language and I loved hearing your segways in your presentation. Although the Nakshatras were not discussed, there was more than enough rich and velvety information for the client presented in detail and clear terms.

    Transits section: Great discussion of the Jupiter transit – everything was looked at. And, as was your Mars presentation. Good that you included Mars due to it’s long transit over the client’s first house. The Saturn and Nodes discussion were equally very good.

    Dina, your counselling capacity is excellent. It’s such a pleasure to hear your work and how you synthesise so well. Keep up ypur great work and I look forward to your Moon Yogas homework submissions.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Dina,

    Here is feedback for Hwk 6 (class 8).
    Dina Gower: Hwk 6 – Moon Yogas, Ernest Hemingway. Great work Dina and the choice to do the extra research produced interesting information. And I learned a new word ‘Contrapuntal’ – see counterpoint: the art of adding related but distinct melodies to a basic melody, according to the rules of harmony. Thanks for that 🙂 .

    I look forward to hearing your Moon Yogas Clint Eastwood homework when you are ready.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    Hi CoVianna,
    Thank you so much for the feedback and for the continued encouragement! 🙂 Really appreciate it! 🙏 Good point about the nakshatras- will make sure to incorporate them more going forward.

    I have really enjoyed doing case studies – it is such an eye opening and rewarding way to put the knowledge into practice. When it is someone whose life is well documented, I feel it really helps me make connections to see how things play out in real life situations and examples. I didn’t know much about Hemmingway before but just doing internet searches helped uncover a lot of parallels with his chart. I can imagine doing this with charts of writers or famous people, whose work i know well, would be even more enlightening. Definitely going to take some time to do case studies like this when i finish the course material to help embed the knowledge and practice the techniques. I have taken to watching documentaries about famous figures while looking at their charts and dashas – it is fascinating and so enjoyable too. 🙂

    Thanks again for helping us put the knowledge into practice and guiding with your advice, CoVianna – this has been invaluable, and helped my confidence also!
    All the best,


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Dina,
    You are welcome and its a pleasure to serve.
    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Franz,
    Here is feedback for Hwk 2 re-do.

    Franz Gurtlinger: Hwk 2 Re-Do Mini Relationships Reading. You followed the Template yet somehow the reading felt a bit all over the place (like talking about Mercury in the middle of discussing the first house). What happened to mentioning Rahu in the first house? This is an important factor.

    You did well putting the chart’s content into layman’s terms rather than using Vedic terminology. With practice your presentation will demonstrate more confidence in delivery of information. It may help to write out exactly what you want to say and say that rather than attempting to explain without the script, because that caused some confusion for a receiver of what you are offering. I think that’s why I heard it as a bit all over the place. Also taking a breath/pause between each major section helps the client to integrate what you have said and to realise that a different segment of information is coming next. I’m wondering too, if those awkward pauses are because you can’t read your own writing, so best to type up you full script, so that doesn’t happen.

    A good effort Franz, and I’m so pleased you took the opportunity to re-submit. I hope my feedback helps you hone your craft.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna.


    Hi CoVianna,

    Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate the advice because I am really new at doing this. You can call me active learner. I am the type of person who learns through experience and making mistakes, talking about mistakes, and practicing where I am weak. Getting feedback on where I need to improve really helps a lot.

    The area right now where I am really confused is how to bring everything together, when to use the templates, and if my interpretations are accurate. Should I combine the Astrology Reading template with the Mini readings, Moon reading etc. I really feel like I am navigating in the dark when I am interpreting. Not really confident in where my interpretations are accurate or inaccurate. Probably getting over that awkward stage would be a great boost of confidence.

    Some examples of Interpretations:
    Ex. 1
    I recently took the Rashis, Rulers and The Holistic Zodiac course, in the Manuals there is the Chart of King Charles the first thing I saw there was something that stood out was very literal. Saturn in the 2nd House in Magha Nakshatra. Saturn longevity and time, Leo Power, Magha Nakshatra King on the throne. How I interpreted it as: It will be a long time before Prince Charles takes the power and becomes King of England.

    Ex. 2 Rahu and Ketu are very interesting to me and most confusing. LOL.
    In the homework chart Rahu in the 1st. Here is how I would interpret Rahu in the 1st.
    Rahu is when your learning something new that is really interesting. Your going to make mistake and be confused by all the new concepts but gradually you start to improve. This is what Rahu is, this is the place where we want to gain experience and grow in this lifetime. Rahu is in your first house. Your going to want to do things on your own and work things out for yourself rather than doing things in groups and being in relationships. You are going to want to gravitate towards subjects like Meta physics, astrology, or mystical teachings. You might have interest in learning these subjects on your own or have your own spiritual practice which incorporates any of these fields.

    No planets are with Rahu so, Rahu is going to act like the Lagan Lord in the first because Jupiter rules the 1st House of Pisces.
    How was the above interpretation?

    About Ketu in the 7th. This is going to make relationships a little difficult because of a past life experience. When I see Ketu in Virgo, Ketu is very deep and he is critical. Ketu is about deep analysis because it is with the Moon and Sun. Ketu would want to get to the bottom of things.

    If Ketu was a lone in the 7th, he would act like Mercury the 7th House Lord but Ketu is with the Sun and Moon. The Sun is at 6:42, Moon is at 15:05, and Ketu at 16:11. Ketu is closest to the Moon, does this mean Ketu will act like the Moon and not the house Lord Mercury?

    Saturn Debilitated in the 2nd House
    11th and 12th Lord in the 2nd, Letting go of ambitions. My first impression was this person might be very quick to change when any difficulty arises in their duties and responsibilities. However thinking about Saturn its Tamasic and it protects us through fear and avoidance and lacks directional strength in the 2nd house, instead of making quick changes this person might feel stuck in their duties and responsibilities and not like to change even when problems arise until its already too late. This lack of change might be do to their family, monetary issues, or an incongruency with their values.

    Would a debilitated Saturn behave by changing quickly, would it behave more by being stuck or behave both ways? In what ways would a debilitated Saturn would behave?

    I practice a little before I resubmit the moon reading. I really appreciate the feedback and thank you again,

    Have a great day,



    CoVianna Young

    Hi Franz,

    I am so pleased you have asked for assistance as yes, your re-do of homework 3 was a tad all over the place. I’ve had to re-visit it to give feedback. And I will endeavour to help you with your requests above. Just give me a little time to get it done for you. In this post I wanted to acknowledge that I have seen this and am so happy that you have reached out. Very courageous of you Franz.

    Feedback on your re-do coming and replies to your big post.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna

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