Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

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    CoVianna Young

    Hello wonderful students,

    Regarding Homework Recordings:

    Please make sure that you scroll down below the video to find the Homework instructions and follow those for your Homework.  Especially for your Transits recordings –  as I realise that at the end of the video in ‘Transits in Readings 2’  Sadasiva mentions doing a transit reading on your self as the homework task. However, the current instructions for the Transit Homework below the video are as follows : ” Do a 30 minute reading on the above chart – using the reading template, integrating the transits as well.” So that’s the full reading from beginning to end without the dasas as these have not been provided as part of this chart’s information 🙂

    I’m looking forward to listening to a few more students recordings. This is wonderful practice for you all – so take advantage of what is on offer here. And remember to follow the Template 🙂

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Sarah Weisman


    I’m trying to figure out what to do this week.  Should we do Harmonic Charts 1 and that Homework?  And, if so, that Homework isn’t a reading based on a Template, but just us discussing what we think the ratio / analysis is?





    It is being explained:

    On the Chart “HW-mini” assess the ratio of priorities in her life between herself, career, and relationsihps .. what will she put the most focus on .. NOT what will she be better at.. remember they are different.

    Try to arrive at a final ratio — where a balance between all 3 would be 33% for all Usually things will be skewed, Like in my case (because we looked at my chart).. maybe 45% myself, 35% career, 20% relationships..

    You said:
    Should we do Harmonic Charts 1 and that Homework?  And, if so, that Homework isn’t a reading based on a Template, but just us discussing what we think the ratio / analysis is?
    >> YES..
    I did not make a template, per see – because the variables are too possibly nuanced.

    By the way, I also saw you were on the conference call yesterday. You could have asked me this on that call.


    CoVianna Young

    Hello dear students,

    Here is some more feedback on submissions – in this case Hwk 4 Transits.

    Sarah Weisman: Hwk 4 Transits – Firstly just a correction for you Sarah : Taurus is a Rajasic sign, not Tamasic 🙂 An awesome reading none the less. Well done on doing the full template reading and an interesting discussion on the Moon Yogas. Your explanations are delightfully clear and paced in a way that the client has time to take in these concepts and thus is educating them. I personally see this as an important task for we Jyotishis at this time.

    Diane Robertson: Hwk 4 Transits – You kept to the Transit portion of the Template very well, firstly talking about the Transits and what they mean then applying the the transit effect to the Rasi chart very clearly, but didn’t do the whole reading including the transit analysis. Just a point:- you refer to the Transiting Planet as conjunct the Rasi planet – it is better to refer to it as the Transiting Plant directly over the natal planet ( and stating if it is by exact degree). I love the clarity you bring to the client of what the houses mean, the planets do, the aspects mean etc. educating them in the process 🙂 Excellent work explaining the transit effect Diane.

    Laura Hamilton: Hwk 4 Transits – You did the transit reading on yourself as per sadasiva’s instruction at the end of the video, however you neglected to scroll down below the video to read the current homework – whoops 🙂 Laura, your self analysis was quite good and I liked that you brought in the Dasa discussion to your self analysis (which you could do as you know your current Mahadasa/AntaraDasa).

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Sarah Weisman

    Whoops!  But, thanks for your feedback, CoVianna! —Sarah


    Kyle Geminden

    Hi CoVianna,

    Hope all is well. I redid my second homework assignment, the mini relationship reading, a couple or so days ago and uploaded it. I look forward to your review 🙂


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Students,

    Sarah Weisman: Your recording of Hwk 5 Harmonics was muffled in and out and thus difficult to hear it all clearly. Sarah, could you re do the recording then upload that and check that it’s ok? Let me know when you have done that in this Forum Topic please 🙂

    Janel Joseph: Are you going to re do your earlier Hwk recordings? I have been holding off giving feed back to others, expecting you to submit yours. If and when you do, please let me know in this Forum Post. In the mean time I will do the others.

    Kyle Geminden: You will receive feed back shortly Kyle :-). I am sorry to have made you wait so long when you have been so diligent to re do your Hwk 2.

    Diane Robertson and Danijel Turk: You also receive feed back shortly – thank you for your patience.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna.


    Sarah Weisman

    CoVianna, Re-recorded Hwk 5 Harmonics 5.  Thanks, Sarah


    Janel Joseph

    Hi CoVianna – I redid my HW1.  Thanks.


    Kyle Geminden

    Hi CoVianna. I am so sorry if I sounded impatient as I am definitely not in a rush. 🙂 I am sure you have allot on your plate and am grateful for all your help and honest feedback. Honestly, my concern was it being missed as I didn’t change the filename and I could see myself missing it haha. Thanks again!


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Students,

    More feedback 🙂 Students, remember to preface your reading with your name and which homework this is and then go in to the reading for the ‘client’.

    Kyle Geminden: Hwk 2 Mini Relationships re-do – You kept to the Template and it was a pleasure to hear your new version. I liked that you reminded the client that they are the common factor to all their relationships and that this reading will offer possible improvements to help the client. You gave an excellent quick overview of the person and you brought a clear educative flow to the reading. A little more synthesis of the 7th house would have given a sense of completion to the reading, however, this was overall an excellent effort Kyle. It would be a good idea to slow the speaking pace (it’s ok to be nervous and fast initially). Slowing the pace will assist the client to have time to digest the concepts which may be new insights for them :-).

    Danijel Turk: Hwk 2 Mini Relationships – You kept to the Template and gave a nice introduction with a clear explanation of the Karaka. I like how you opened up about Rahu on the Ascendant. Anyone with this placement would immediately feel resonance with what you said here (I have Rahu on my Asc), creating confidence in you as the Jyotishi. I also like that you acknowledge the client through out the reading. You brought a good synthesis overall. Remember though that Ketu is not learning to detach, rather that he is detached and this can be problematic within a relationship. An excellent submission Danijel. Hwk 3 Mini Career – You kept to the Template and once again gave a nice introduction and clear explanation of the Karakas, however also state that where the ruler of the 10th house goes also shows how our careers unfold. You gave a good quick overview of the client as it relates to their career. Excellent synthesis , particularly of Ruler Jupiter of the 10th House, although the reading finished abruptly there. I like that you mentioned the aspect of Jupiter to the Karaka Saturn sitting in the 2nd House. Another excellent submission Danijel :-).

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Kyle,

    You were writing as I was writing :-). I’m getting used to DropBox too – It seems that if the redo file has the same filename it just overwrites the old with the new but of course has the updated time and date resubmitted. Modifying the order (top of time/date column) to ascending stopped some confusion for me.

    Dear students,

    My Electricity will be off for about 8 hours from a few minutes, so I will be a little later with feedbacks for the remaining submissions.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Kyle Geminden

    Hi CoVianna,

    I made your suggested changes for the hw2 mini relationship reading and re-uploaded it. Thank you for your advice!


    CoVianna Young

    Hi wonderful students!

    Here is some more Homework Feedback 🙂

    Diane Robertson: Hwk 5 Harmonics – A great and clear analysis again Diane. I wanted to hear something about the Sun in the 3rd House in the D10 especially as you gave a 50% emphasis to career, and, I really liked the analysis of the D9 Relationships Harmonic. Keep up the great work Diane! 🙂

    Sarah Weisman: Hwk 5 Harmonics – A great analysis Sarah bringing in the Raj Yogas to demonstrate the areas with emphasis. I feel you had a dyslexic moment in the relationship section regarding the Moon which is in the 7th house, not the 8th 🙂 . I like that you mentioned Raj Yoga Saturn in the D9 relationship Harmonic – that it will only show up and benefit during a Saturn Dasa and/or Transits. In the career section where you said “Your 10th House itself has a Moon in Libra” created a little confusion as you had flipped from D10 back to the Rasi chart without stating “in the Rasi/birth chart your 10th house has Moon in Libra” (its a small thing though). Great work Sarah! Keep it up 🙂 .

    Janel Johnson: Re-do of Hwk 1 Rasi Chart – Good on you for having another go at it. You did well keeping to the Template 🙂 . Janel, when you are referring to the Planet as the Ruler of a Sign/also House, you keep saying it is in the Sign. Saturn is not in Aquarius with the Ascendant in this chart. Then you confuse the client when you go on to say that Saturn is in Leo (which it is). When you are referring to Mars ruling Scorpio (10th House)  you say it is in Scorpio with the Moon – NO Mars is in Libra! This is the same confusion I pointed out to you Janel in your first attempt. Make sure you use the words Planet x rules the Sign/House – you got it correct when you said “Saturn also rules the 12th House”, which is the sign of Capricorn. Same again with Jupiter – you said “…in Pisces it really brings…”. You need to say “as Jupiter rules Pisces, it really brings..etc”. You got it right when you said Mercury rules Virgo 🙂 . Describing Jupiter, once again, you say it is with the Moon in Cancer! No, the Moon is in Scorpio and the Moon rules Cancer. I hope now it is clear for you what you are saying incorrectly 🙂 .

    So Janel, hang in there and keep up your efforts including making sure you are clear with what you are expressing. You will get there with mindful practice 🙂

    Kyle Geminden: Another re-do of Wk 2 – Mini Relationships – Kyle, even better with Ketu and the 7th House! Well done and sooo diligent 🙂  . Just remember to slow down a little in the speaking pace. Onwards and upwards to Hwk 3 – Mini Career 🙂





    CoVianna Young

    Hi Laura,

    Here is feedback on your re-do of the Transits Hwk 4 using the Hwk chart. You are another diligent student to go ahead and do this – awesome.

    Laura Hamilton: Er-do of Hwk 4 Transits –  This was a good and confident presentation which I found enjoyable, educative and very thorough. You kept to the template and also went through each planet briefly. Your Transits discussion was comprehensively discussed – well done.You did run out of puff at the end discussing the nodes which could have had a little more depth of discussion re the planets they joined. However, overall Laura, you brought a wonderful depth of information in an enjoyable and flowing style. Great work!

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