Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

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    CoVianna Young

    Hi Jeanette,
    Here is your Harmonics Homework feedback.

    Jeanette Altman – Hkw 5 – Harmonics: This is a good reading Jeanette. Excellent that you looked for congruence/non-congruence in making your ratio assessment.

    I noticed a little wording habit creeping in which is not really a correct way of expressing what’s there. This caused confusion during the first few minutes of the reading. At 1min 05 you spoke “your ruling planet Saturn is in the Sign of Scorpio, the 11th house Ruler” – confusing. At 1 min 43 you spoke “the 2nd house Ruler is self esteem, income, security, speech.” The 2nd house is about those things, not the ruler. Saturn in the 11th house is expressing in an 11th house way within the environment of Scorpio. Saturn will bring the 1st and 2nd house themes to his expression in the 11th house. At 3min 02 You spoke “Capricorn will have the ability to take balanced life decisions and take action as it’s a Yoga Karaka Planet.” Capricorn is a Sign and doesn’t fit here. Are you talking about Capricorn Ascendants? Venus is the Yoga Karaka planet for Capricorn Ascendants. Saturn is the Yoga Karaka planet for Libra and Taurus Ascendants. In this case Yoka Karaka planets are such when they rule both a Trinal and an Angle house for that particular Ascendant. Remember the Important Yogas class manual notes from Module 4 in Level 1.

    Your discussion of the D10, D9 and then D1 harmonics were fine.

    Good work Jeanette – a pleasure to hear that you are confident with your assessment and clearly gave reasons why. I hope I clarified that confusion for you. I look forward to hearing your Moon Yogas Homework.
    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Jeanette Altman

    thank you CoVianna, helpful to focus on clearer clarifications and with more precision. I will be working on that. Again thank you for your great feedback and direction.


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Sam,
    Here is your Transits homework feedback.

    Sam Alefson – Hwk 4 – Transits: Excellent work Sam. I loved your introduction, in fact, the whole reading. You followed the Template in a measured speed to allow the client to integrate the velvety rich depth of information you are providing them. The level of clarity, and references to the potential evolutionary nature of the planets is so inspiring. Remember that the transiting Jupiter is aspecting two Rasi planets from Aries and that could have also been added to the already rich information you have provided. This is just brilliant work Sam. I’m so proud of you. Onto the Harmonics next.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Sam,
    Here is your Harmonics Homework feedback.

    Sam Alefson – Hwk 5 – Harmonics: This was a good clear discussion Sam, backing up your evaluation of the Ratios. You are great at explaining what the planets are about for the client as each respective planet is discussed. And you bring a nice clear measured flow of information to the client.

    Just a correction though around Vipareet Raj Yogas. At 10minutes 19 seconds you mentioned that two Dusthana house rulers are together in the first house so that is a Vipareet Raj Yoga. Sam, that is incorrect, it would be best or you to revise the rules around Vipareet Raj Yogas in your Level 1 Certification manual. When the ruler of a Dusthana house goes into a Dusthana house (6th, 8th, or 12th) a Vipareet Raj Yoga is formed. In this Rasi chart they sit in a Dharma house (1st). So no, this is not a Vipareet Raj Yoga. There is one in the D9 Harmonic, can you see it?

    Really good work again Sam. I look forward to your Moon Yogas homework submissions. Make sure to scroll down through the “Moon Yogas written homework – Hemingway” Forum topic to find my post summarising what (and what is not involved) Moon Yogas are about. There is important information to help students keep on track with what’s required or the assignments.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    Thanks CoVianna! I’ve been dealing with some focus issues and was really on the fence about moving forward with my homework—so if that’s the biggest mistake I made, I’ll count it as a win. But I’ll definitely go back and review the yogas from level one.

    Yes, I see in the D9 the ruler of the 12th, Mars is in the 8th house. Also in the D1, Jupiter, the ruler of the 12th is in the 6th, granted that’s not a super important indicator in assessing the balance of the three life areas in question. Unrelated, but I also think I forgot to mention Saturn’s aspect on the 1st house, thereby spreading even more of its influence on the client’s identity.

    Haven’t watched watched any new videos in the certification—been doing some independent reading on a number of topics—but I will make sure to check the Hemingway forum when I proceed.



    Whoops, Jupiter is in the 8th house!


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Sam,
    Here is your feedback for Hwk 6.

    Sam Alefson – Hwk 6 – Moon Yogas – Ernest Hemingway: a good assessment of the Moon Yogas of Hemingway demonstrating you’ve understood correctly how to assess them.

    Well done Sam. One more homework to go that I will be giving feedback on. I look forward to hearing your Clint Eastwood assessment.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young

    Hey there Sam,
    Here is your feedback for Homework 7.

    Sam Alefson – Hwk 7 – Moon Yogas – Clint Eastwood: Great work Sam – you explained the Moon Yogas very well again, even though you were halfway through the reading before addressing them. For a bit I was worried that you may not address them while discussing extraneous information to the homework requirements :-).

    I wish you every success with the remainder of your Level 2 studies. I have really enjoyed listening to your work and you make a fine Jyotishi.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    Thanks CoVianna. I wasn’t sure if I was just supposed to do the yogas, or make it a “reading” like the other recorded assignments. But I’m glad it worked out. I appreciate your feedback as always!



    Hi CoVianna,
    When can we expect feedback on new uploaded recordings? I uploaded my first recording on April 18, 2024.

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