Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

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    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,
    Here is your feedback for Re-Do Hwk 3:

    Franz Gurtlinger: Hwk 3 – Re-Do Mini Career reading. You mentioned Sun is the planet that handles pressure – actually it is Saturn that has to do with how we handle pressure. That’s Saturn’s job, so where Saturn goes will influence that capacity.

    In your discussion about Saturn as a Karaka: Saturn in Aries is not about being stuck, rather Saturn takes things slowly as you explained. So the environment of Aries (instant action, not thinking it through) creates a push/pull experience for Saturn, therefore he’s not at all comfortable in Aries and may act first, think later and regret doing so, especially when placed in the Nakshatra Ashwini where keeping the two horses in the same direction, matters.

    When discussing the 10th house lord, don’t bring in a discussion of Saturn here (he is the 11th and 12th lord) – that was confusing – as was bringing in the Sun (6th lord in the 7th house). That discussion was in the previous section about the Karakas (in depth). Remember that in the discussion of the 10th house ruler, Jupiter, you are looking to discuss what affects Jupiter, which tends to affect how the client’s careers will unfold, what goals they may have.

    I hope this helps Franz, and good on you for making that effort. I hope that I can help you more in answering the questions you posed.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,

    As I mentioned, I appreciate you asking these questions and offering your thoughts on these questions.

    You wrote: “The area right now where I am really confused is how to bring everything together, when to use the templates, and if my interpretations are accurate. Should I combine the Astrology Reading template with the Mini readings, Moon reading etc. I really feel like I am navigating in the dark when I am interpreting. Not really confident in where my interpretations are accurate or inaccurate. Probably getting over that awkward stage would be a great boost of confidence. ”

    # Franz, the Mini reading for relationships and career can be used for short readings, though personally, I prefer that the client has already had a full chart reading before offering that. They can also be part of a larger reading incorporating discussion of the appropriate Harmonic chart ie: Firstly present the mini reading of the birth chart for eg: career, then move on to assess the D10 harmonic chart and discuss any harmony or in-congruencies with what the birth chart shows.

    In regards to the Moon Yogas, as Sam teaches, are useful when you don’t have an accurate birth time and are great for assessing the emotional supports for the moon as a short reading. Or you may choose to add them into a general reading especially if you can see that to do so would really help that person to understand themselves better.

    You wrote: “Some examples of Interpretations:
    Ex. 1
    I recently took the Rashis, Rulers and The Holistic Zodiac course, in the Manuals there is the Chart of King Charles the first thing I saw there was something that stood out was very literal. Saturn in the 2nd House in Magha Nakshatra. Saturn longevity and time, Leo Power, Magha Nakshatra King on the throne. How I interpreted it as: It will be a long time before Prince Charles takes the power and becomes King of England.”

    # Yes thats a good interpretation.

    You wrote: “Ex. 2 Rahu and Ketu are very interesting to me and most confusing. LOL.
    In the homework chart Rahu in the 1st. Here is how I would interpret Rahu in the 1st.
    Rahu is when your learning something new that is really interesting. Your going to make mistake and be confused by all the new concepts but gradually you start to improve. This is what Rahu is, this is the place where we want to gain experience and grow in this lifetime. Rahu is in your first house. Your going to want to do things on your own and work things out for yourself rather than doing things in groups and being in relationships. You are going to want to gravitate towards subjects like Meta physics, astrology, or mystical teachings. You might have interest in learning these subjects on your own or have your own spiritual practice which incorporates any of these fields.

    No planets are with Rahu so, Rahu is going to act like the Lagan Lord in the first because Jupiter rules the 1st House of Pisces.
    How was the above interpretation?”

    # Yes. And remember that Rahu can be obsessive in that lust to experience. Rahu shows obsessions and imbalances based on action.

    You wrote: About Ketu in the 7th. This is going to make relationships a little difficult because of a past life experience. When I see Ketu in Virgo, Ketu is very deep and he is critical. Ketu is about deep analysis because it is with the Moon and Sun. Ketu would want to get to the bottom of things.

    If Ketu was a lone in the 7th, he would act like Mercury the 7th House Lord but Ketu is with the Sun and Moon. The Sun is at 6:42, Moon is at 15:05, and Ketu at 16:11. Ketu is closest to the Moon, does this mean Ketu will act like the Moon and not the house Lord Mercury?

    # Yes. Remember though, that the Nodes will only act like the House Lord when there are NO planets in that house/sign. In the case you cited, that Moon is very close to Ketu in degrees and this really matters. In this chart you look at what house that Moon rules – as Ketu will have that flavour in its expression (5th house, creativity, children, romance, education, spiritual practices). AND Ketu will also act like the Sun, ruler of the 6th house which you described in detail in your homework.

    You wrote: Saturn Debilitated in the 2nd House
    11th and 12th Lord in the 2nd, Letting go of ambitions. My first impression was this person might be very quick to change when any difficulty arises in their duties and responsibilities. However thinking about Saturn its Tamasic and it protects us through fear and avoidance and lacks directional strength in the 2nd house, instead of making quick changes this person might feel stuck in their duties and responsibilities and not like to change even when problems arise until its already too late. This lack of change might be do to their family, monetary issues, or an incongruency with their values.

    # Here is what I wrote in your hwk feedback “Saturn in Aries is not about being stuck, rather Saturn takes things slowly as you explained. So the environment of Aries (instant action, not thinking it through) creates a push/pull experience for Saturn, therefore he’s not at all comfortable in Aries and may act first, think later and regret doing so, especially when placed in the Nakshatra Ashwini where keeping the two horses in the same direction, matters.”

    You wrote: Would a debilitated Saturn behave by changing quickly, would it behave more by being stuck or behave both ways? In what ways would a debilitated Saturn would behave?

    # See the answer above AND Saturn is about keeping boundaries for the long term and also is compassionate through experiencing their own privations or seeing that in others. So debilitated, those boundaries may not be upheld and there can be a potential for cruelty and a capacity for being punishing. He is debilitated at 20 degrees so that is in the Nakshatra of Bharani – consequences of action. Food for thought Franz.

    ## I hope that this has helped you Franz. I asked for Lord Ganesha’s guidance to help you.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,

    Here is feedback for your written homework.

    Franz Gurtlinger: Hwk 6 – Moon Yogas Ernest Hemingway. The emotional process is before, during and after. So Hemingway’s Moon is expecting to receive Saturn (as a Karaka) type of emotional experiences. Because Rahu is with the Moon – you do need to consider it.

    Whereas, the planets on angles from the Moon relate to psychological support. So that Venus in the 7th is bringing support from partners.

    You made a good point that he had nothing to integrate his emotions with (ie: nothing after the Moon).

    Keep up your good efforts Franz. I look forward to hearing your Re-do of Clint Eastwood’s Moon Yogas.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,
    Here is feedback for your re-do of Clint Eastwood’s Moon Yogas:

    Franz Gurtlinger: Hwk 7 – Moon Yogas Clint Eastwood. Good Work Franz. Remember when discussing that Mars in the 10th angle from the Moon that Integration is for the house after the moon placement. Instead, the 10th angle from the Moon is about support coming from duties. Also you can mention that 4th house type aspect that Mars casts onto the Moon, keeping in mind the themes of 2nd and 7th houses, values and relationships, respectively.

    I look forward to receiving your Hwk 5 reading ” Ratio of Harmonics focused on by client”.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Dina,
    Here is feedback for your Clint Eastwood’s Moon Yogas.

    Dina Gower: Hwk 7 – Moon Yogas Clint Eastwood. Brilliant work again Dina. This was thorough work demonstrating a deep understanding of how Moon Yogas work. Thank you for the effort and diligence you put into your work. Your effect on me has been both inspirational and aspirational and would be for any of your fellow students. I aspire to be as good as you.

    I found your mentioning of the Nitya Yogas very interesting (though beyond the scope of the homework requirement) as I have been finding the birth Nitya Yoga of the Panchanga to really speak to a true part of a person’s nature, and, the Karana as well.

    I will discuss more in a separate post within this same Forum Topic (Discussions).

    Well done you!
    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    Thank you so much, CoVianna, for such warm words – was blushing as I read it! The aspirational part is truly mutual as I always find your posts, comments and reviews really deep and insightful, and your guidance has been absolutely invaluable.

    The Panchanga is a really fascinating topic, and I am definitely looking forward to researching it more as I know Sam has other courses on the subject.

    Thank you again!


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Susan Morgan!

    Welcome back! Will I be seeing anymore recorded homeworks from you? I checked and realised that you are not on the 2022 Dropbox Access list of students, however, you are on the 2021 Dropbox list. You could try posting in that one and I would be happy to give you feedback. Here is feedback for your written homework on Hemingway’s Moon Yogas.

    Susan Morgan: Hwk 6 – Moon Yogas Ernest Hemingway. You wrote “No planet rising after the moon through which he could process those experiences that drove him toward connection socially.” Not having a planet there would not drive him toward connection socially. Instead that would be the Venus acting as support from the 7th angle from the Moon.

    You wrote: “Venus in the 2nd Angle 7th from the moon gave Venus energy to allow Hemingways emotions to be integrated through other people.” Remember that integration of emotions occurs in the 2nd house from the Moon. The angles act as support, which you did refer to in relation to Venus.

    Well done Susan. I’m looking forward to seeing more homework.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna.


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Jeanette,

    Here is your feed back for Homework 1.

    Jeanette Altman: Hwk 1 – Chart Reading. Well done you – this is very thorough and you followed the Template. You gave a good discussion of the ruling planet and you also made a good point about the energies of the Moon in Scorpio.

    Note that in your discussion of Rahu sitting with Mercury and Sun in that 8th house in regards to ‘powerful teachings’: – that’s more a ninth house quality. The transformation of the 8th house for most people is not through esoteric knowledge. Instead that 8th house transformation more likely comes through loss of relationship, being the Moksha house following the 7th house of relationship. This is more likely in this in this chart’s case as the 7th lord of the relationship house, the Sun, is sitting in the 8th. Good that you picked up on that Vipareet Raj Yoga as well.

    What an excellent start. I appreciate the effort you have put into this reading and I look forward to giving you feedback on Hwk 2. Keep up your great work Jeanette.

    Onwards and upwards – CoVianna



    Hello CoVianna,
    Hope you have been well? Just wanted to let you know I am a bit behind on the homework because of current work demands (start of the year is always a busy time for us). However, I am doing my best to catch up. I will also be on a work trip abroad for two weeks from next week – not entirely sure what to expect as the schedule is fairly intense, but hoping to get at least some time to study in the evenings. I am still on track for the June exam, but just wanted to check in and let you know why I have been quiet for the last month.

    Thank you!


    Jeanette Altman

    Thank you CoVianna, I love how you give feedback to advance us all.


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Jeanette you are welcome and thank you.

    And hey Dina, great that in this course you can work your studies around work commitments. Thanks for checking in. Yes I am well right now and thoroughly enjoying my beginners’ Cuban Salsa dance classes once a week. Quite tickled about being asked out to dinner by men in their early fifties as a result. My Saturn has been far too serious for too long. Ah and Venus transiting my first house with old Saturn barely out of Sandhi still finding his feet!

    Onwards and upwards CoVianna.


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Jeanette,

    Here is your feedback for Hwk 2.
    Jeanette Altman: Hwk 2 – Mini Relationship Reading. You followed the Template and gave a good summary of the three Karakas. Great that you reminded the client of what each section related to as you commenced the assessment of each of the three Karakas in this chart. You presented at a good pace and in a way that the ‘layman’ client could easily receive and understand.

    This is great work Jeanette and a pleasure to listen to. Keep up your efforts, you have the makings of a fine Jyotishi as you have put the work in to be of this standard. I look forward to hearing Hwk 3’s recording.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    Thanks, CoVianna! The Salsa classes sound really fun. Glad you are enjoying the benefits of the Venus transit – sounds amazing. 🙂

    I am catching up on homework now. Was due to fly home earlier this week but now I got stuck in Covid quarantine. My co-workers are absolutely horrified at the thought of my being stuck in a hotel room in Manila for a week with no access to Netflix. I am secretly enjoying the solitude, the quiet and the chance to catch up on studies with no interruptions. It brought home to me how uncomfortable most people are with being on their own. With Saturn in the 12th house, I find it incredibly peaceful. Just hope the Covid stays mild this time around.

    All the best,


    Jeanette Altman

    Hey CoVianna,

    Your feedback inspires me more. When I started on this journey, there is a struggle with confidence as there is so much to contemplate and put all together. Doing these readings and getting the feedback has helped me keep on track. The templates help a lot, i mean a lot…

    Again, many thanks and lets see what Hwk 3 will brings.

    Cheers my friend – Jeanette


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Dina, Jeanette and welcome Sam!

    I hope Dina that you come through this Covid bout with a stronger immunity. I have some interesting memories of staying at the Manila Hilton which included being on the 22nd floor restaurant, when the pearl shell chandeliers began swinging wildly. My husband, a civil engineer who at the time was specialising in foundations for multi storey buildings on Australia’s Gold Coast, said “we will be fine. It’s the Hilton and its designed to sway like this during an earthquake, however, I will tell you when to run to the strongest part near the lift well shaft, if it gets any worse.” We were sitting right next to the floor to ceiling window looking down 22 floors below.

    A big welcome to you you Sam, I’m so pleased that you were finally able to post your homework. Please forgive me for being so late responding. I’ve been incapacitated for three days experiencing very painful Neuralgia related to the deadly bacterium I recently fought off from a cat bite. With my Rahu and Ascendant in Shatabishak I used alternative remedies including massive Essential oils. Next post is your feedback.

    And Jeanette, thank you, it’s a pleasure to give you feed back. I will work on your Hwk 3 after I have posted Sam’s feedback.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna

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