Vedic astrology and the Royal Code




“Is it possible to know or understand the roller coaster ride of male/female dynamics, and the exchange of masculine and feminine energy within ourselves and with each other?”


(P.S. You can even learn to enjoy the game, know yourself better, like yourself better, AND know, like and understand the opposite sex better)

On two successive Saturdays in December 2023 I will be teaching these male/female dynamics:

Through the lens of classical Vedic astrology, and the archetypes of Indian philosophy.
Through the lens of modern psychology and Jungian models such as anima and animus, projections, narcissist empath, et cetera
Through the lens of traditional, yet cutting edge Relationship teachers and coaches, namely Alison Armstrong.
Through the lens of my more than 20 years of doing relationship consultations, teaching master classes on male and female dynamics – all with great success!
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You are Quite a Mess Aren’t You? 🤣

Let’s face it, you barely have a clue why you are doing anything, as it relates to the opposite sex. And even with the things you are “clued into” you feel powerless to change any of your behavior, reactions, etc.

Yes, it’s complicated, but it’s not that hard.

Relationship Dynamics have been studied for thousands of years.
All of it is known and can be understood through Vedic Astrology, the planets, the elements, etc.
Modern psychological models “humanize” and contextualize the feelings and the dynamics brilliantly (but they are extremely limited, and can just be one more new age narcissistic trap of endless emotional OVER analysis that eventually leads nowhere except back to its same indulgent state).
Integrating the Dharmic, Classical dynamics with the modern, psychological models WITH DECADES OF REAL WORLD/CLIENT EXPERIENCE is what this course will give you.

I have been teaching and studying relationship dynamics, with hundreds of paid clients seeking my advice for close to 2 decades.

I wrote a book on this subject in 2010 called “Stellar Relationships” that I have never published because some of it was too controversial and graphic. But I will be teaching some of these themes in the upcoming course.

“This course brings together classical Vedic astrology and Indian relationship energetics (such as those seen in Tantra and Yoga) with Jungian archetypes of anima/animus, projection, narcissism, shadow work, AND the best current/cutting edge relationship teachers and models (most notably Alison Armstrong) and other leading experts in male/female dynamics. This includes Sam Geppi who has done more than 200 Vedic astrology readings per year for over 20 years – and taught relationship principles and masculine/feminine dynamics that entire time.”
In the “Vedic astrology and the Royal Code” Course. You will learn:
❓What to do if you are a modern, “strong woman” having a hard time finding men who are not “looking for a mommy”. What are you doing to create this dynamic, specifically? I’ll tell you right now, it’s a four letter word that begins with “F”. It is F-E-A-R. But what are you so afraid of? 🔥

❓What to do if you are an evolved “sensitive man” having a hard time being respected for your feelings, or your goals. Are you obsessed with that “one woman” who you are ready to die for? You are also being driven by your fears. But what are you going to do about it now?

❓What are the exact stages, games and delusions of women, as they evolve through the “Damsel, Princess, Queen” archetype? How can you play this game better, and to win? Can you really be all things to all people? Actually, yes you can. But you have to know what you’re doing and why. You’ll have to know where your true power lies! 🔥

❓What are the exact stages, games and delusions of men, as they evolve through the “Knight, Prince, King” archetype? Men, these definite and clear stages of life can only be understood in relation to women, as it is for them you are growing. So, how can you keep from losing yourself in their approval?
Ladies, this is important for you to know as well so you can stop infantilizing men, then blaming them for it later or calling them a narcissist when they refuse to be infantilized.

❓The number one mistake both men and women make when they first meet, which all but guarantees we will be with the wrong person. This awful mistake is so deeply buried, hidden and subconscious that I almost guarantee you have no idea you are doing it now, have been doing it your whole life, and even though I’m going to tell you what it is, it will be almost impossible for you to not keep doing it. This mistake is so deeply hardwired that we almost have to go against our natural instinct to overcome it’s hypnotic power. 🔥🔥

❓The number one secret men must understand about women, when they first meet them. Women are definitely a mystery to men, but understanding that this one thing is the most important if men will ever understand why women do what they’re doing. Of course, it is also important for women to understand this one motivation. Most women do not understand this motivation themselves either!

❓The number one secret women must understand about men, that is non negotiable if he is to be the empowered figure you want. It is a 100% non-negotiable trait for a man to stay with a woman long term. I said “long term”, as he will stay with you for a while, trying to endure this indignity, but after a while he will leave seeking it elsewhere. If you don’t know this, you are driving him into the arms of other women. Guaranteed! It is only a matter of time. 🔥


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