Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Written Homework

Written Homework

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  • #14877

    Good evening,

    Where does one submit the written homework assignments? Thanks.


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Laura,

    While one student was instructed to submit the written homework on Hemingway into the dropbox, I found it better to leave the dropbox for recorded homework only as Sadasiva has given Forum headings for written homework, with the exception of the Hemingway Moon Yogas written homework. I have now provided a specific Forum Heading for that Homework.

    Just scroll down through the Forum Headings List and you will see appropriate headings for each written homework. Some also have separate Forums for discussion of specific class topics.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    I apologize for my absence. By way of explanation I have my moon in Capricorn, Cancer lagna, and Saturn dasa. I have literally been in my worst hell. I have finally come out the other side and can apply myself to this course. On the up side it was a necessary journey into the under world that with time will bear tremendous fruit.

    I will be applying myself today and this weekend to catching up.

    Peace, Laura


    Hi again

    So I have about four sentences regarding Hemingways moon yogas since I only see one. Is this correct? Or are we too extrapolate on the rest of the conditions of the moon?

    I have difficulty extending material. Clint Eastwood’s 2 planets preceding the moon I find equally difficult to draw out to a 15 min recording. Unless we are amplifying all the things related to the moon in these charts.

    Could I have a little direction here please? Thanks


    CoVianna Young

    Hi Laura,

    I am so pleased to hear that you are back! Yes I feel for you, with your journey to the underworld. I have been very concerned for students in both Certification courses as forums have been very quiet during the Covid19 pandemic let alone for any of us with challenging activations as well.

    You wrote: ” So I have four sentences regarding Hemingway’s moon yogas since I see only one. Is this correct? Or are we to extrapolate on the rest of the conditions of the moon?” Yes there is a planet before the moon, however the moon is with rahu so that will have an effect. The nodes are not considered otherwise such as Ketu with Venus when considering Venus in an angle from the moon.

    Laura, scroll back through the forum posts in the “Doing Readings and Discussions” Forum. Refer to Post #14793 on June 10th 2020 @ 5.28am. Here I have given clarification on Moon Yoga Techniques. Read that and you will know what to do. Don’t worry too much trying to make the recording for Clint Eastwood Moon Yogas a full 15 minutes long. When you have followed the techniques and discussed what is there you will be fine with whatever time that takes.

    I look forward to giving you feedback on both Homework submissions 🙂 .

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Hello Covianna

    I think I am back on track. I have revisited previous homework, have watched the relationship astrology videos a lot and feel I have a good grasp of ot all.

    Am I missing any submissions before I proceed past the relationship section?

    Thanks so much. Not sure why this course seems so underwater. Up for air now though 🙂

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