June 15, 2020 at 3:40 am #14880
CoVianna YoungModeratorHi all students,
You can post your Moon Yogas written Homework on Hemingway’s chart here.
October 30, 2020 at 3:06 pm #16464
DanielParticipant<p style=”text-align: right;”>Lvl2HWgDanijelTurk</p>
On Ernest Hemingway’s ChartAssess the Moon Yogas and discuss how they show his nature. (Identify each Moon Yoga, and then 3 sentences or less for each one)
Just talk about the Moon Yogas, not houses and signs, etc.
In Ernest Hemingway’s chart we can see that the Moon was waxing at the moment of his birth: it is in the 6th house from the Sun. This makes the Moon bright and a benefic in his chart. The brightness of the Moon, an indicator of our emotional, psychological nature, shows someone stable in their emotions – the change in emotions is not percieved as strongly as would be the case with a dark Moon, which has a stabilizing effect on Hemingway’s emotional identity (we indentify with our emotional/psychological perception of the life). The Moon is of course influenced by Rahu through conjuction, accelerating the emotional perception of Hemingway, making it more volatile than it would have been withtout the node joined.
Hemingway has one Moon Yoga in his chart and that is retrograde Saturn one sign before the Moon. The Moon represents our emotional processes, how we receive, feel and integrate our emotions. Planets that are one sign before the Moon condition us toward feeling and receptivity and act as a kind of buffer. This means that we expect from life to emotionally experience the things/qualities indicated by that planet. We tend to look for that kind of experiences in life. In Hemingway’s case that planet, as mentioned, is Saturn, which shows that he had a tendency to look for experiences that enabled him to feel serious, realistic, hard working and determined in succeeding. He would be interesed in old people, teachings, traditionals things and nature (he did write the famous and awarded short novel The Old Man and the Sea about an aging Cuban fisherman: old person + traditional activity involving nature). When Saturn kind of experience would not be there in his life or less prominent, he would feel restless.
Hemingway has one angular planet from the Moon, it’s Venus (the ruler of the 3rd house of communication, writing and the 10 house ruler of career) in the second angle. This shows psychological support from other people, especially women and other artists (a quick look at his bio shows for example the important support from poet Ezra Pound). Angular planets as seen from the Moon act as a kind of psychological structure aiding with our dealing with emotions.
April 1, 2021 at 7:04 pm #17788
Sebastian UrreaParticipantHi CoVianna, I might’ve gotten confused, I recorded this but I will also post it here for reading.
<p class=”MsoNormal”>So let’s assess the Moon in Ernest Hemingway’s chart, to get an idea about his psychological and emotional outlook and processing.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>I checked his birth time and it appears to be pretty reliable, so it seems safe to say that he is a Leo ascendant, with his Moon in the fifth house of Sagittarius with Rahu.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>His Moon is waxing, and fairly bright; he was probably born less than a week before the full Moon. It shows good capacity for feeling grounded in the body and senses and being receptive to what life has to offer, plus a reasonably strong sense of identity and self.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>So immediately before the Moon he has Saturn retrograde in the fourth house of Scorpio. Saturn will act like a filter for all of his experiences; he will seek out things related to Saturn. In his case, it will show that he seeks out things and experiences that he perceives as serious and realistic, and he will be drawn towards situations and opportunities for working hard, with determination. He likely wants things to be practical, useful, and of long-term value. This could make him quite guarded emotionally; he’ll value emotional safety and will take his time before making emotional commitments. He has likely had to wrestle with fear, insecurity, and depression, and might tend towards being overly serious, inflexible, and controlling.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>Rahu joined the Moon doesn’t technically form a Moon Yoga, but it’s worth noting that this conjunction can bring a very ungrounded quality, with a lot of tendency to stress, worry, and imagined fears. He likely feels self-conscious and separate from others, but it can also bring a lot of emotional transparency and emotional intuition with other people.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>There are several planets in angles from the Moon, which do provide support for his emotional processes. He has Venus in the seventh house from the Moon, which shows that he gets a lot of emotional support through other people, especially partners. It could show indulgence in sensory desires or pleasures with others as a way to deal with emotional problems (i.e. sex) but with Ketu there as well I find that less likely. Venus is the 3<sup>rd</sup> and 10<sup>th</sup> lord though, so it could show support through work and colleagues, and through his own skills and interests. This combined with the fact that it’s Venus can definitely be an indicator of how he found a lot of emotional anchoring and support in his career as a writer.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>Mars and Mercury are in the tenth house from the Moon, which also shows that he gets support for integrating his emotions through his career or his actions. He likely worked a lot to feel better, and did it with a lot of drive and enthusiasm, given that Mars is there and it is also his fourth lord. Mercury as the eleventh lord here can show a lot of ambition in this area as well, and emotional stability through pursuing his ambitions.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>I am not especially familiar with Ernest Hemingway and his work, but I did read a little bit about it. Some of the things that stood out to me were that his style is characterized by short, simple sentences, uncomplicated syntax, and what I saw described as a scientific portrayal of emotions. I could see this related to Saturn before the Moon; Saturn stops or slows what it influences, and tends to strip it bare, makes it humble, so emotional things getting filtered through Saturn would get shortened, simplified, and rationalized. Especially given that Saturn is in the fourth house, I could really see it doing this.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal”>A lot of his themes are related to love, war, travel, wilderness, and loss. Love I could see related to having Venus in the seventh from the Moon, and also having Saturn as his seventh lord in the fourth in the house before the Moon. War I could see in having Mars in the tenth from the Moon. And travel, wilderness, and loss seem to fit in well with the Moon itself being his twelfth lord. It seems like women and death are also prominent themes; women would be related to Venus in the seventh as well, and death to Saturn before the Moon. It also seems that he was good at realism and writing the common experience in a natural way and elevating it, rather than glamorizing life. That realism and connection to the common experience can be shown by Saturn before the Moon as well.</p>
April 12, 2021 at 2:29 am #18004
CoVianna YoungModeratorDear Students,
I have re-posted information about Moon Yogas from previous posts made some time back in the Forum Topic: “Doing Readings Questions & Discussions”. I’ve posted again here so that new students can find it more easily.I wrote: “As there has been some confusion demonstrated with the Moon Yogas Techniques including in past years of Level 2, I’m going to write a few points of clarification here. So for those of you who have yet to submit your Moon Yogas Homework, refer back to this prior to submitting, and for those who have submitted, cross check for yourselves, that what you have submitted matches these points of clarity.
- It is based on the Signs. So we are looking at: The Sign before the Moon – 12th Sign before the Moon; the Sign the Moon is in – 1st Sign; the Sign after the Moon – 2nd Sign.
- We also look at the Signs at angles from the Moon, especially when there is a Kemadruma Yoga, as support.
- So the 1st angle from the Moon is the 4th Sign from the Moon – relating to support coming from introspection.
- The 2nd angle from the Moon is the 7th Sign from the Moon – relating to support coming from partners.
- The 3rd angle from the Moon is the 10th Sign from the Moon – relating to support coming from duties.
Emotional Process: before, during, after. - Structure of psychological support: angles from the Moon.
- Moon Yogas can be applied to Western Astrology as well as Vedic Astrology. -“This allows you to hone in on what is driving someone psychologically”. Using Vedic Astrology “…then, in fact, the NEXT most important factor is the Functional Status of the planet and what it does as a House Ruler…because then you will see the exact back story.” (from Forum post #15541).
- Sadasiva notes at 6min43secs into class video: “that we discuss the Planets involved with the Moon (before, with and after) as Karakas as that is the way the person will experience the emotion primarily. But of course Vedic Astrology wise, these planets are also House Rulers. Same deal with the planets in the support angles from the Moon.”.
- @ 50mins58secs into class video: Sadasiva says “Mars aspecting the Moon 10th [Sign] / 3rd angle from the Moon is another aspect of intensity”. @ 52mins58secs he says “Look at the prominent Aspects to the Moon especially if the Moon is by itself”.
- @ 1hr06min43secs into class video: Sadasiva says “The Nodes don’t count as part of this process, but, their influence on a planet there is going to count’. He also mentions if Ketu [or Rahu] is with the Moon that is definitely going to count.
- It’s when the node is by itself in the Sign before, after, and/or, in an angle, that we omit Rahu and Ketu from this process.
- We do not apply the Moon Yoga Techniques to the Harmonic/Varga Charts. Yes, the Class Manual does say “These techniques can be applied to any chart because they are related to planets in absolute space” so, if you don’t have a birth time for example, or looking at a Western Chart, for example, then the Moon Yogas are very useful to assessing the person’s deep psychology. Please note: Harmonic charts are a Mathematical Harmonic – not based on the Astronomy, that is: planets in absolute space . So we don’t use D9 Navamsha, D10 Dashamsha, etc.
- Remember that Moon Yogas are a stand alone technique apart from what we have been learning in the previous classes, so don’t go including those in your Moon Yogas Homework submission.”
Below is an excerpt from a post years ago that Sadasiva made, giving further information on when and how to use House Rulers information with Moon Yogas.
He wrote: “the NEXT most important factor is the Functional status of the planet and what it does as a house ruler…because then you will see the exact back story.
For instance, Mercury in an angle from the Moon will be important, whichever angle shows if the support comes from introspection (4th), partners (7th) or duties(10th).. Next, whatever houses Mercury rules shows how this happens – if he is dharma planet he may be associated with a teacher or a child – and the feelings (4th house), people (7th House) or duties (10th House) will be dharmic and holistic. If he rules cruel houses they will not, and also bring a disruption, but still be an anchor… so the person will try to anchor their mind on things that may be disruptive –and of course there is a mixture here, because the planets rule 2 houses.”
I hope this reads easily and that the bullet points come out the way I typed them.
Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna
July 27, 2021 at 12:06 pm #18908
Judith FlickParticipant<p style=”margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;”>Moon Yoga’s Ernest Hemingway</p>
<p style=”margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;”></p>
<p style=”margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;”>Saturn is Retrograde is 12<sup>th</sup> from the moon in the sign of Scorpio so Ernest was conditioned towards things that are practical which involve hard work, excessive controlling ,time managment which could lead to depression if support is not there from other planets in the chart.It shows an interest in hard labour, vocation. sacrifice, willpower ,independence ,strategy older people and traditions.</p>
<p style=”margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;”>Being in the natural 4<sup>th</sup> house of home and mother in Scorpio would indicate his character was conditioned and controlled during his early years of growing till around 14 years where he learned that life can be a struggle, and we all only have so much time to succeed but also vindictive maybe with opinionated ,with even aggressive sexual connotations as well as secrecy.</p>
<p style=”margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;”>The second angle from the moon relating to emotional support from partnerships in business and marriage is in the sign of Gemini where Venus and Ketu are conjunct although in different nakshatra’s. Venus here would show support from beautiful friendly and intellectually engaging women and he was not short on women in his life as he had four wives almost every time he changed dasa’s he got a new wife.</p>
<p style=”margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;”>Ketu here would support his ability to write as it for Ernest mercury communication and writing is things he mastered in past life and as the moon with Rahu his mind would be consumed with ideas and very self indulgent with his own thoughts not so much of others. Ketu in the Nakshatra of Ardra there would always be a smoky storm brewing with partnerships which is why his marriages did not last as due to his fluctuations of desires and criticism and dissatisfaction with the things that are beautiful like the women in his life. This is the natural 11<sup>th</sup> house which is accomplishments , gains and fulfillment but with Ketu there all these gain and accomplishments do not give him the satisfaction he desired in this life which is maybe why he chose to take his own life.</p>
<p style=”margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;”></p>November 12, 2022 at 12:25 pm #25393
DinaParticipantHemingway – Moon Yogas
In Hemingway’s chart, the Moon is in the 5th house conjunct Rahu. Saturn is before the Moon. There are no embodied planets with the Moon, and no planets after the Moon. However, Venus and Ketu are on the angle, in the 7th house from the Moon.
Moon conjunct Rahu
Although the nodes are not included in the Moon yogas, it is worth noting that Rahu with the Moon would show Hemingway’s emotions were volatile and ungrounded, creating a sense of stress and lack of inner fulfilment. Much of this stemmed from Hemingway’s painful relationship with his mother. Rahu with the Moon also gave him an intuitive and eccentric mind, and an interest in exotic and foreign places: Hemingway lived in Paris and Cuba and travelled extensively.Moon brightness
The Moon is waxing and bright, which gave Hemingway capacity to deal with emotional difficulties. He also transmuted his difficult emotions through creative expression (Moon in the 5th = creativity).Saturn before the Moon
Planets before the Moon show what kind of emotional experiences the person gravitates towards and they act as an emotional buffer. Saturn here shows someone who seeks solitude and looks for pragmatism and realism in life. It also indicates a sombre and mature life view and a fascination with themes of mortality, old age and fragility of life.Love of solitude: Hemingway was described as a private and introverted person. His father used to take the family on lakeside holidays, where he taught young Ernest to hunt, fish and camp. Wikipedia says these “early experiences instilled a life-long passion for outdoor adventure and living in remote isolated areas”. Being 12th from the Moon, Saturn would indicate solitude and isolation. Camping, fishing, and hunting were seen as survival skills (Saturn is related to survival). As a malefic, Saturn desensitised young Hemmingway to inflicting pain and killing prey.
Mortality and death: Hemingway had an acute awareness of life’s brevity. He enrolled in the war in 1917 and was seriously wounded on the Italian front when he was only 18, and he described his brush with death in his work. He once said, “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills”. We can feel Saturn’s influence on the Moon in his poignant words.
His suicide at the age of 61 had much to do with Saturn before the Moon. At the time, Hemingway suffered from depression and refused to leave the house, fearing that the FBI was watching him (Saturn in Scorpio and Rahu + Moon are related to fears and paranoia). During his Jupiter/Mercury dasha, which activated his Moon + Rahu in Sagittarius and Saturn in Jyeshta, Hemingway was subjected to electric shock therapy (Mars/Scorpio) to treat depression (Saturn), and felt like he was losing his mind (Saturn influence on the Moon/mind). He famously said, “What is the sense of ruining my head and erasing my memory, which is my capital, and putting me out of business? It was a brilliant cure, but we lost the patient.”
Saturn’s influence in writing: Hemingway’s writing focussed on themes of war, wilderness, loss, mortality, and death. Bull fighting is the subject of The Death in the Afternoon. For Whom The Bell Tolls tells a story of an American soldier in the Spanish Civil war. All these are Saturn themes, and they have a strong undercurrent of Scorpio fascination with death.
Hemingway’s writing style was unique in its succinctness. He employed short sentences, lean and hard narrative; he even famously avoided using punctuation. This economic and pragmatic style is all Saturn. He preferred to convey emotion (the Moon) through describing the bare facts of what’s happening (Saturn), rather than labelling the emotions or embellishing them through ornate language.
Venus on an Angle
Planets on angles from the Moon act as anchors. Venus is in the 7th from the Moon, which has to do with romantic partners. This shows that Hemingway’s mental support structures were based on Venusian experiences: art, writing (Venus in Gemini = creativity with words/ideas), pleasures of life, good food, attractive women. This support was especially important as he had no planets after the Moon that would allow him to integrate his emotional experiences, which bore the ungrounded quality of Rahu and the pressure of the malefic Saturn.Relationship issues: Hemingway was an amorous man. He was married four times and was adept at manipulating the women, often getting them to put up with being part of a love triangle. Not only is Venus a disruptive planet for him, which rules the 3rd house of desires and wilfulness, but it is also with Ketu. This shows innate skill in negotiating relationships and getting his desires met. Yet it also manifests as subconscious dissatisfaction with romantic relationships, resulting in his serial abandonment of women, who never quite live up to his expectations.
This pattern and the misogynistic portrayal of women in his work likely stemmed from his troubled relationship with his mother. A wilful and eccentric woman, she dressed young Ernest in frilly pink dresses to make him look like a girl so he could pass for his sister’s twin. This quote from Bernice Kert aptly states: “Ernest’s lifelong assertion of masculine power grew out of his emotional need to exorcise the painful memory of his mother asserting her superiority over his father”. A fitting description for Venus conjunct Ketu influencing Hemingway’s Moon.
Relationships as support: Despite the disruptive nature of Venus, Hemingway’s relationships were his pillar of support. His second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, a magazine editor, reviewed and even edited his early novels. Pauline was from a wealthy family and financially supported Hemingway early on. Hemingway’s third wife was a journalist, and together they travelled to the Spanish war, reporting from the front lines.
Saturnine layer in relationships: Aside from Venus, Saturn before the moon also influenced Hemingway’s relationships (amplified because Saturn also rules his 7th house). Hemingway gravitated towards women who were significantly older than he (Saturn indicates mature partners, especially as it is in Jyeshta or “Elder” nakshatra). His first love and his first two wives were between 4-8 years older than he. This preference for older women changed in the 1940s when Hemingway went into his Rahu dasha and married two women markedly younger: the effect of a Rahu dasha at the time of a mid-life crisis.
Interestingly, Hemingway married most of the women he was in love with – another way the traditionalism of Saturn influenced his Moon/mind. If he just had Venus on an angle, he would probably have had a string of affairs. But Saturn’s influence on his psyche demanded commitment. His second wife Pauline wrote, “I don’t mind Ernest falling in love, but why does he always have to marry the girl when he does?”
Venus in writing: Hemingway always went to great length to describe food and drink in his writing: he talks about how things taste, how people cook, how they take their meals – the everyday pleasures. Hemingway used bilingual puns and crosslingual wordplay as stylistic devices – Venus in Gemini would look for beauty and artistic expression through words, language and puns. Although Hemingway did not take kindly to his mother’s forceful attempts to teach him cello as a child, his later writing was influenced by the musical lessons. For example, For Whom the Bell Tolls has a contrapuntal structure.
December 7, 2022 at 6:25 am #25881
Franz Karl GurtlingerParticipantSaturn before the Moon. Some common Saturnian themes in Hemmingway’s life where endings, loneliness, old, and death. Endings, in Hemmingway’s Chart Saturn is the 6th and 7th Lord. He had a scaring relationship that a profound affect on him for the rest of his life and changed how he dealt with Love relationships. He had felt abandoned by his lover to avoid this experience from ever happening again he would break off the relationship with his partners before they would break off the relationship with him. Loneliness, Hemmingway described the profession of a writher being the loneliest profession. He was also very lonely himself and the theme of loneliness played out in his writings. Old People, he would often refer the elderly as Old, he wrote stories such as The Old Man and The Sea, the Short story My Old Man, and in numerous quotes from Hemmingway he often refereed to the term old. Death, he wrote about Death, one of his works titled Death in the Afternoon, he wrote about his life in the great war, and he referred to Death in a number of quotes. His father committed suicide and so did Hemmingway himself.
No planets with or after the Moon. There is no planets in the 4th Angle and no planets in the 10th Angle. Venus is in the 7th Angle from the Moon. How his emotions are integrated through other people and partners. Venus rules the 3rd house a cruel house and the 10th House a neutral house for a Leo Ascendant. It really shows that Hemmingway will have a great interest in social gatherings and wanting to be around other people. He enjoyed the pleasures of life, he would go into great detail in his writings about these pleasures, he even referred Paris in as a moveable feast in his memoir. He had a lot of desires in his relationships and he was married 4 times. He had many love triangles and ended the relationships on his own timing. These love triangles and making a quick end to the relationships were a precaution due to his past experience (Ketu with Venus) of having his heart broken. He was rather paranoid and Lonely in the later part of his life. He constantly worried about money and safety. He had a lack of trust in people leaving him nothing to integrate his emotions in. This loneliness made him loose hope which inevitability cost him his own life in suicide.
January 8, 2023 at 8:08 am #27077
S MorganParticipantRising before the moon Saturn R conditioned Hemingway’s consciousness & receptivity. The qualities of a Disruptive R Sat were his seriousness, realism, hard work & determination to be influencing. As a writer, who drank a lot & had psychological challenges- He gravitated to these things & was probably insecure- another disruptive quality.
No planets joined his moon yet Rahu influencing him to seek self-pleasure & experiences w/others,foreign travel & risks.
No planet rising after the moon through which he could process those experiences that drove him toward connection soocially.
Bright Full Moon-helped him w/feeling grounded in his body, senses & receptive feminine nature-He gravitated toward sensual, Kapha & the Full Moon supported his desires & feelings.
Venus in the 2nd Angle 7th from the moon gave Venus energy to allow Hemingways emotions to be integrated through other people. This offered support over time when Saturn R was over serious, work & insecurities would have beauty, charm & grace as support from romantic & other partnerships.
Hemingway won a Nobel Prize in Literature, Wrote about life experiences involving relationships, romance, war & all the complexities there in, based on his own life experiences. Married four times, a WW 1 Red Cross Correspondant he was adventurous & admired by later generations. He committed suicide in 1961 at age 61.
June 6, 2023 at 1:49 am #28909
SamParticipantErnest Hemingway’s Moon was almost full, enhancing his capacity to endure emotional discomfort. And it’s a waxing moon, which means worldly attachments increase as the Jiva mind becomes more dissociated from the universal soul. As the ruler of the 12th house, themes like escapism, loss, and travel increased throughout his life.
Hemingway had Saturn in the 12th house from his Moon. This biased him to look for emotional security, solitude, and hard work. But he was also prone to depression, loneliness, and paranoia, especially as he got older.
Rahu’s conjunction with the Moon places a blindspot over the value of emotional sensitivity. Feminine energy felt chaotic and uncontrollable to Hemingway, and this is epitomized by his difficult relationship with his mother. Rahu’s influence (and other factors) also fueled his alcoholism and love of foreign travel. He famously spent time in Paris with other American expatriate writers, and also lived for over a decade in Cuba.
There are no planets after the Moon, so no specific energy consistently helped Hemingway process his feelings.
Venus is in the 7th from the Moon, showing emotional support coming from other people and through a mutually shared love of art and romance. Ketu is also joined Venus, producing a perpetual dissatisfaction with lovers. This man had a very ambitious sexual appetite, which at varying times led to either shame (Ketu) or creative genius (Venus aspecting the Moon).
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