Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Level 2 Exam – June 24-26.

Level 2 Exam – June 24-26.

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  • #22424

    Sams Account

    I will send out the notice to register for the Level 1 Exam.
    But it will for that weekend, June 24-26.
    You have all weekend to answer 60 questions, do a chart reading and you can use all of your notes to accomplish that.
    You can do it!


    CoVianna Young

    Dear Level 2 Certification Students currently undergoing your Exam,

    I am holding you in my heart and seeing each of you being successful in your task. I look forward to continuing interaction with you for those of you who choose to join the Inner Circle Membership.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



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