Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Forum and Readings – Using Dropbox, etc

Forum and Readings – Using Dropbox, etc

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    Here is a video that quickly explains the forum and dropbox.


    Didem Sipahi

    The video isn’t available Sam 🙁




    Oscar Gutierrez

    Hi Sam, I just got done installing Dropbox.

    When I click the Shared Folder link on the first level 2 homework page it tells me the 2020 level 2 file does not exist.


    In this video did you share it through Gmail?


    Oscar Gutierrez

    How can I gain access to the 2020 Level 2 shared folder?


    CoVianna Young

    Hello Oscar Gutierrez,

    I’m not hugely techy – from memory this is how I got it to work:- I downloaded drop box and when I had that webpage still open on my iMac I then went into the first homework page of Level 2 and clicked on the Shared Folder link which opened up the webpage called 2020 – Level 2 recordings which has students’ recordings listed for me to access and give feedback on for them.

    Are there any tech students who can help Oscar please so that he can <b>receive feedback on his audio submissions?</b>

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Oscar Gutierrez

    ok, so I tried what you suggested. It doesn’t seem to work for me. I have dropbox open. I click the shared folder link and still says 2020 folder does not exist. I tried it a few times.


    the only other solution I can think of is if it is manually sent to me through dropbox instead of having me try and access it through the link.




    Techical problems


    I just wanted to let you know that there are some glitches in the forum.
    I just posted something in the topic Harmonic Charts Questions & Discussions. While it appears in the update bar on the first page of our Level 2 forum (I have a screen shot but can’t add it to this post, because this feature doesn’t work), it does not appear in the topic itself. It’s as if I never posted anything.

    I tried to repost, but couldn’t and got the notification that it was a double post …

    I suspect it didn’t work, because I included links in my post. But that feature is useful, if we want to discuss a particular chart that everybody can see for themself. So it would be nice if it could get fixed.

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