November 2019 Forecast – Jupiter Shift Mercury Retrograde and More

November 2019 Forecast – Jupiter Shift Mercury Retrograde and More

November 2019 is going to be a real roller coaster. There will be a focus on personal transformation, especially with regard to feeling vulnerable in romantic relationships and deep interactions with others. Also, there will be a theme of social and political justice, with Jupiter moving into Sagittarius

Get ready for:
• Jupiter changing signs – 11/ 4
• Mercury retrograde between Scorpio and Libra – 10/31
• Venus and Mars exchange between Libra and Scorpio – 11/10-11/20
• Saraswati Yoga in the Sky –
• A full Moon in Aries – 11/11
• A New Moon in Scorpio – 11/26

November 2019 Forecast – Jupiter Shift Mercury Retrograde and More

Jupiter moving into Sagittarius – 11/4
We will see a shift away from dark, conspiratorial philosophies of Scorpio and more toward inspiring and truthful teachings of Sagittarius. There is a feeling of righteousness and vindication in the air. Notice the shift in the news, in the world and in the confusing messages you been receiving, especially from those to whom you are looking for inspiration – like teachers and other thought leaders.

Mercury will go retrograde between Scorpio and Libra – 10/31
We will be reflecting on the dark thoughts in her mind, our vulnerabilities, and paranoias (Scorpio) and how these things emanate from our deep interactions with others (Libra). Now is the time to create better communication with your partners, and introspect about projecting your dark fantasies onto them.

Venus and Mars exchange between Libra and Scorpio – 11/10-11/20
This exchange shows the interchange between self-will and accommodation. Venus in Scorpio shows a longing to merge through sensuality, while Mars in Libra seeks to individuate ourselves in response to other’s demands. This dynamic will be playing out in full force in November.

Saraswati Yoga in the Sky – 10/28-11/4
When Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter join and occupy an angle in the birth chart, they form a Saraswati Yoga. They will join in the sky in Scorpio from 10/28-11/4, conferring the blessings of creativity and higher knowledge at that time. This is especially powerful for water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) – and also the signs where Scorpio falls in an angle (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).

Full Moon in Aries – November 11
this phone will be a time to reflect back on the Libra energy of this past month. Labor has been about accommodating others, this full Moon in Aries is about reasserting our individuality and checking in with compromises we have made that are out of alignment with our integrity.

New Moon in Scorpio – November 26
this will begin a 30-day cycle of Scorpio, where we work through our hidden fears and vulnerabilities and connect with something deeper than our emotional triggers. It’s a time to cultivate deeper devotion and commitment to emotional self-growth and strength.

Spirit Takes Form Poster

Your spiritual nature descends from a state of cosmic oneness, through planets, signs and houses.
But how does it work?
I made this poster a few years ago to explain it.
Check out this amazing poster Here

  • Gaze at this beautiful model of the Universe and stay inspired
  • Keep it all straight – the details AND the bigger picture
  • See how the universal energy becomes Planets, is felt as Signs, then lived as Houses.
  • The highest quality artwork and poster – deep discount for ONLY $1.00
  • ADD “Spirit of Vedic Astrology” Class

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Check out this amazing poster Here

October 28, 2019

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