Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Essentials Course Homework Answers Module 1 Class 1 Introduction to Vedic Culture

Module 1 Class 1 Introduction to Vedic Culture

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    1. Name the four Vedas?

    – Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva.

    2. What scriptures are derived from the Vedas, called the “cream of the Vedas” by Swami Sivananda.

    They are the origin of Vedanta.

    – Upanishads.

    3. What body of texts are mainly dedicated to secular Gods like Lakshmi, Shiva, Ganesha,

    and are the origin of mantras like the 1,000 names – etc.

    – Puranas.

    4. Who is Srimad Bhagavatam talking about?

    – Vishnu, Krishna.

    5. What is the main difference between the Puranas and the Epic stories, like the Mahabharata and Ramayana?

    – One is about deities, one is about incarnations.

    6. What are the two main frameworks of Sanatana Dharma?

    – Dharma and Karma.

    7. Briefly explain how they work.

    – Dharma is truth, karma is how truth is shown by action.

    8. Where do we find the Vedic origin of Astrology,.. which Veda?

    – Rig or Yajur is fine.

    9. What is that scripture called? 

    – Vedanga Jyotisha.

    10. How can we reconcile things that seem unfair, with the law of karma?

    – Many answers possible…


    Tess Dahlgren

    It seems like the lineage on these teachings is like a massive game of telephone.  I’ve only been dabbling in Ayurveda, yoga, and jyotish for 4 years but it feels like as I learn and share, information gets lost in translation. Seems we need to be attentive and patient in putting the puzzle pieces back together as we climb back to the light.

    Would it be safe to say the Puranas were a way for the general public to study gods as we descended in consciousness and the epics are a way for the general public to study the gods as we ascend consciousness?

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