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To achieve those things, you need to learn a system, that not only explains astrology, but also explains the soul’s evolution..
And typically, that means you need to understand astrology better and how each of the planets are the living forces in life, not just dumb rocks moving around.. and you can learn it!
But instead, you have heard astrology explained in a very confusion and one-dimensional way – as something outside of you and beyond your control and understanding. But that is not true!.
You love astrology, but you don’t know how to organize the chart information and use it to get consistently accurate results..
So now, you are confused by astrology. No one benefits from your love of astrology. You are always looking for more information. That leaves you confused, maybe even scared or agitated – all of it disconnected from the fundamental truths of astrology and life..
Until now, that only left you with a few options:
You might overdose on astrology videos, getting more and more confused, then eventually give up. I have seen that over and over again.,
Do you accept that this is as good as things are going to get, or do you find a better way, like thousands of others before you have?
My story, A lot like yours
When I began trying to learn astrology I listened to the experts and read the books in my field. I try to practice what was in the books, but I realize they were disconnected from a deeper system. That’s what compelled me to go back and reorganize Vedic astrology around the same body of knowledge that it came from, the knowledge of yoga and higher wisdom..
I went with option 3.
I have to tell you, in those early days I’ve tried everything. I read every book, listened to every expert, and tried every technique. It seems all of the teachers had answers that only work on their own personal “handpicked” charts. But anytime I tried to apply their methods on any other chart all I got was failure.
The results were phenomenal:
Obviously, I was on to something.
That experience taught me that
That’s why I So I decided to teach the system to others, and received incredible feedback. But that was more than 10 years ago. Since then I have taught this course four more times and you are getting the benefit of all that expertise.
Not only have I put together the system to learn how to do astrology, but I’ve also focused on how to teach it to others in the best possible way..
WHY YOU’LL LOVE The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course
With The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course, you can The P5 Vedic astrology certification course is a series of principles, methods and strategies that allow you to consistently read Vedic astrology charts so you can help yourself understand your karma and your place in the cosmos .
Then after you learn it, you can share that knowledge with others as a healer – and maybe even make a living doing astrology readings or classes..
Perhaps more importantly, The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course will:
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The reason you are bewildered by astrology, is you have not mastered these details. When I say “mastered”, I don’t mean “memorized”. Perhaps you have them memorized some, but mastery is not memorization. Mastery means you can flawlessly interpret each of these principles by themselves, which then gives you enormous skill in synthesizing them in real time. Like most astrology students …
you have mistaken memorization for mastery. This creates a huge “illusion of understanding” around what you think you know already. Simply because you have memorized the exaltation and debilitation point of planets, does not mean you understand “why” the points are there. If you cannot explain it, simply, to another person, then you do not understand it yet. As I said already…
that is also the good news. You have gathered enough information. Your biggest problem is you need to first understand, then organize all of the data you have gathered. I will say this right now, you will not be able to do Vedic astrology well unless you understand the Vedic concepts. That’s why the we start with an entire four-week course on Indian concepts.
Because, knowing these frameworks deeply, allows you to notice how the principles behind the rules are more important than the rules themselves. Once this happens, you start working on higher and higher leverage principles, which permeate the entire practice. If you’ve gotten benefit from my teachings it’s because you have been seeing me do this most of the time. It’s why I’m able to…
take very complicated things and explain them very simply. My knowledge, capacity and understanding of the principles is much further upstream than yours, on a much more conceptual level. In the universal Vedic astrology certification course, I will be teaching you these “upstream” concepts and methods for nine months straight.
A lack of prioritizing is the second big problem you are facing. Not only have you mistaken memorization for mastery, but your priorities are mixed up. You have this idea that some subtle, nuanced yoga you have memorized in one of the harmonic charts, is as important as the dignity of the planet in the seventh house, for example.
Just like anything else in life, “priority and sequence” are the most important. For instance, if you want to make eggs for breakfast. You must do things in the proper order. First, you crack the egg, you put it in the bowl, you beat the egg with a fork, you take out a pan, put it on the stove, melt butter in the pan, etc. If you don’t do things in that order, you’re not going to be able to cook eggs.
Let’s say that first you pick up a fork and start moving around in a bowl, yet there is no egg in the bowl. Then you put butter on the stove, but there’s no pan on the stove yet. You get my drift. This is probably what you are doing in your astrology studies. You’re grasping for priority. You are making certain things much more important than they actually are. Nothing is in the proper ratio…
… nothing is being done in the proper order. This is why even though you may make a lot of correct statements, underneath it all you have no confidence. So, as soon as the client contradicts something you say (even a little bit), you completely cave in and think you made a mistake. You are not approaching the chart systematically, where everything is weighted with the correct measure of importance. By the way…
… A lot of “professional” astrologers make these mistakes and are lacking in confidence as well. So, don’t feel so bad. Honestly, it’s pretty pathetic. I’ve heard so many times where a student asks an astrologer, “what if the client says something that’s not shown in the chart, then what you do?” And the astrologer will say something like “well yeah, some things just are shown in the chart so then you just have to listen to the client”…
… what complete nonsense! Imagine going to the dentist, and the dentist sees a cavity in your tooth. But when he tells you about the cavity, you say “I don’t feel anything”. So then the dentist says “Oh okay, I guess the x-ray was wrong”. You would never hear this, because the dentist knows what he’s doing, and you as a patient would never stand for such incompetence. Yet, astrologers not only practice with such low standards, they freely admit it, and no one seems to pay any attention! So yes, …
I understand why you have such low expectations for learning astrology. I will tell you this, that has never happened to me since I learned how it actually works. There is never a situation where something “is not shown in the chart”, everything is shown. By the way, when these things happen and readings, where client contradicts me, I know why it’s happening. It is happening because the client is confused, they are not sure. That’s why they’re getting an astrology reading, so…
you can untangle some of their confusion for them. . But as I said, I want better for you been to be another incompetent astrologer, lacking confidence in what you’re doing. I want you to not only be able to interpret other people’s charts correctly, but to be able to interpret your own chart correctly as well. I want you to also understand your place in the cosmos.
These are the things we focus on in the level I certification course, for nine months, going deeper into what the structures actually mean, and then doing them in the proper order. Once you do this, that astrology information you have gathered becomes incredibly tight.
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“I am a yoga teacher with a strong background in Ayurveda and this course allowed me to begin to fully grasp the Vedic knowledge in its wholeness. Sam’s approach to teaching this vast and seemingly complicated science is to build our knowledge piece by piece on a solid foundation of the basic principles of all the Vedic sciences.“”
–Alexis Cox – Alexis Cox Yoga
“I’m blessed: after about 4 years of reading, researching Jyotish and feeling somewhat intimidated by its greatness, I made the life-changing decision of studying with Sam for a proper certification. I wanted to study with my guru, Dattatreya Siva Baba, founder of Astroved, but he was not available. When he recommended Sam, I made that decision out of trust in my guru.”
–yogini, writer, and student of Vedic astrology
“I first began studying “Systems Approach” Vedic astrology in 2002, but it seemed like it raised more questions than it answered. Does this feeling sound familiar? No matter how much you read, whether it’s Western or Vedic astrology, you just get more and more confused — until you meet Sam Sadasiva Geppi”
–Rosanna Tufts – Astrologer
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As you can see, our students are thrilled with how systematic, streamlined and simplified my approach is to astrology..
All the more reason you should take advantage of our…
If you had to spend endless hours digesting astrology videos, listening to competing voices, or getting a certification course from an astrologer with less experience teaching them, you would waste a lot of time and a lot of money. Most important is the time wasted, because you can never get that time back., you could expect to spend thousands of dollars and more importantly, waste years of your life that you never get back – AND you wind up more confused!.
I’m making The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course available for a fraction of that.
It costs just $1,297—about what you’d spend to get a few months with a few of the other programs out there. Not to mention, in those programs you do not learn a system, you do not get the bonuses, etc..
…know for certain what is going on inside of a person when you look at their astrology chart (and know how to explain it to them).
…understand the nature of your karma (HINT: It is not even that hard to understand), so you can finally relax into the arms of your spiritual fullness.
…be a respected teacher or counselor, helping people as an astrologer. (Many of my students have paid for the course MANY times over with the money they have earned doing astrology readings)
…speaking with authority about astrology, and knowing what you are talking about (rather than sounding uninformed and weird when you try to discuss your love of the stars).
…connect with a group of skilled astrologers who want nothing more than to help you understand astrology AND life!
You can have all of these things with The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course.
Plus, if you act today, I’ll also Include these amazing Bonus Courses..
You can continue to do the same thing you’ve been doing—But you can keep watching video after video, getting more and more confused, wasting more and more time and going nowhere – Until you eventually GIVE UP!.
Or you can get trained correctly as thousands of students have. Learn a proper system where the most important details are organized and prioritized and taught in the correct order..
If you’re ready to take your astrology studies to the next level and streamline your time, attention and money. Then take a chance on the course. I will even guarantee it., click the button below.
So, go ahead and register now and get access to all of the Course material and bonuses! All of it, right now. NOW
Buy The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course Today
But don’t wait!
The course is only open for a limited time, as I need to make sure I can manage all of the students I have at any given time.
Thanks for Registering!.
I know you won’t regret it.
Vedic astrologer, teacher and writer.
PS – I’m so confident you’re going to love The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course that I’m offering a 100% money-back guarantee. If you use The P5 Vedic Astrology Certification Course—and within 30 Days don’t completely love it—I will refund every penny of your purchase, no questions asked.