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MASTER CLASSES - Special Sign Attributes, Deep Dive into Aspects and Nakshatras
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6 hours of specially curated classes that will take you to the next level with Sign, Aspects and Nakshatras (As well as learning the history and the Zodiac). ONLY 9.97 for 6 Hours of Classes.
You will learn: ~ Special attributes of astrology signs. These are often overlooked and hold deep important secrets. These are especially useful in relationship astrology, where we see a different style of presentation that is innate to each of the signs.
~ Aspects in Vedic Astrology are very important, they show the associations between planets. There are two different types of aspects, sign aspects and planetary aspects. You will learn the difference and ow some karmas are "hard wired".
~ The nakshatra's are the sections of space that influence our mind and evolutionary process. You will learn the nakshatra scheme, the Sky, the different systems of measuring the Sky, and why the sidereal system of India is far superior and timeless.