Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

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    Judith Flick

    Hi CoVianna,

    thanks for the feedback I will practice some more on the Harmonic Charts re assessing D9 and D10.I hope you got through your moving house ok Melbourne has had a crazy time of late with not only COVID but the riots and then an earthquake thrown in just to shake everyone a bit more

    regards judith



    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hello Susan,

    Here is feedback for your recording!

    Susan Morgan – Hwk 1 Rasi Chart Reading: What a delight to finally hear your voice Susan. Thanks for persevering with uploading. Remember to introduce yourself and state which homework you are recording. Also it is wise to slow down just a bit and take a breath between sections as this helps a client sense another part of the reading is coming. It also gives them time to integrate what you are saying to them as they may be very new to this kind of information – especially when you have given them such an in depth and rich level of information.

    Susan, you did an excellent and thorough presentation which was clearly presented, and, you followed the Template. Well done you! I look forward to giving you feedback on Hwk 2 – Mini Relationships reading.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna.



    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    This is a shoutout to Level 2 students of 2021,

    I’m still waiting for the majority of the students to take the opportunity to have their recording homework receiving feedback. I can’t do this until you submit your recordings. It would be wise to do so as then you will know if you are on track with how to do them, or not, in readiness for your exam at the end of your course.

    Receiving Level 2 Certification means you are certified by AAVAS to do Vedic Astrology Readings utilising the high standard that the Academy requires. I’m here to support you being on track with that high standard. Please avail yourself of this support you have paid for.

    When working on your recordings, remember to read the instructions ( that are directly below the video box) – carefully. Also, make sure that you are following the Template for that reading. I have supplied further clarification on Moon Yogas in the Forum Topic “Moon Yogas written Homework – Hemingway” post #18004 to help you – make sure you read that prior to working on and submitting Moon Yogas Homework both for Hemingway and for Clint Eastwood.

    In that Forum Heading you will notice that some posts have been interspersed with computer program interaction language. To prevent this – whenever you are copying and pasting to any of the Forum Topics: Remember to only copy Text not headings, nor photos. Remember to toggle across from Visual to Text – then paste in there (Text box). Remember to toggle back to the <i>Visual Box</i> before you hit that Submit button.

    I’m looking forward to supporting Isadora, Pirjo, Wendell, Aaron, Richard, Lori, Gino, Jennifer and Debbie. The others either have completed their recordings for feedback, or have commenced that process.

    I wish each and everyone of you success in your endeavours here.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Susan,

    Here is feedback for your second recording.

    Susan Morgan – Hwk 2 Mini – Relationship Reading: It was lovely to hear your voice and the pace was good. The three karakas are well explained. It was wise that you pointed out that the reading is about them and their tendencies in relationship.

    You discussed each planet in the chart except Mars and it’s interesting that he sits in the Nakshatra of Magha. Whoops, you mentioned Saturn as ruler of Virgo – I suspect that was a brain typo 🙂 as he rules Capricorn and Aquarius. As the ruler of the 11th and 12th houses and sitting in the 2nd house, he is casting a 7th house glance to the ruler of the 7th house – Mercury, and, to the Karaka of relationships – Venus. There is an aspect going on here that’s an important addition to the pressures of relationship for this person.

    Susan, in the discussion of the 7th house, remember to mention the house that the Sun rules – that’s going to be a factor conditioning the relating experience. Same for the Moon as the 5th house ruler – romance is an expression that the ruler of the 5th house brings to this person’s relating experience.

    I liked the evaluation of the focus on others in regards to most of the planets in these houses of others, showing mastering perfection in relationships as a life lesson. Remember to keep in mind that Ketu in the 7th house. Placed here it shows a level of past life experience and expertise in how relationships ‘should’ be expressing, and in ‘nit-picky’ Virgo will be judging whether it’s up to standard. And of course Ketu comes with a blind spot – so not so perfect in relationships 🙂 . So I agree with that evaluation.

    Keep up your good work and keep in mind that the house rulerships are important as those house energy themes are being brought into the house expression that the planet is residing in.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hello Susan!

    Here is feedback for your third recording.

    Susan Morgan: – Hwk 3 – Mini Career Reading: Excellent work Susan! This was very thorough and on track with the methodology. A client receiving this reading would feel very supported in seeing their shortcomings, guidance in overcoming that and seeing their potential in a higher sense of expression. Keep up your great efforts – you have the makings of a fine and very competent Astrologer. It was a pleasure to hear your work and I look forward to hearing more of your homework.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hello Franz,

    Here is feedback for your  first recording.

    Francis Gurtlinger: – Hwk 1 – Chart Reading using Chart Reading Template: Franz this is excellent work. Not only did you follow the Template, your style of presentation was one of interest in the ‘client’s’ chart. Also, you gave very clear explanations to the ‘client’ of what the terms mean for them. Well done. Your inclusion of the Vipareet Raj Yoga explanation (when discussing Mercury), was clear and your decision just to refer to it in House terms at that point (rather than use the Indian terminology) was a good one. Approaching it this way allowed for that clarity – rather than having a ‘client’ not used to such terms – getting hooked up on that and missing the explanation. This shows a good awareness of what the ‘client’ needs to hear by way of explanation.

    Remember to take a breath between planets so the ‘client’ realises that there’s another point of information coming up. That pause can also help them integrate what was just received. I loved the way you expressed ‘what that means’ for the ‘client’ – very clear and not overcomplicated.

    Keep up your great work – I’m looking forward to hearing your next homework Franz.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Janel Joseph

    Hello CoVianna,

    I am jumping back into level 2.  I apologize for taking so long and would love to get feedback as I redid Lvl2 homework 1 and 2.  I put both of the recordings out in the drop box.  I hope you are doing well and please let me know if it is possible to still get your feedback.

    Thank you so much,



    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Janel,

    Yes I did see your re-recording of Hwk 2. Your Hwk 1 is in text form but no content. I will be really busy for a few days inputting to the Level 1 Forum about our current Australian Federal Elections – hours and hours of research and now hours inputting the 5 part study. I can revisit your new recordings after, so re-submit the format of the Hwk 1 as a recording.  I’ve not been given any instructions about still giving you feedback – I wasn’t sure what you were doing though. And Yes –  I am happy to give you feed back 🙂 .

    Just be patient for a few days as this amount of focussed input for the Level 1 Forum takes a lot of brain energy for me to commit to and with chronic fatigue that will be all that I can manage and normal household activities will also be put on hold. Apologies, however, that’s the way it is for now with the CFS. I’m so looking forward to the completion of my Ketu MahaDasa in almost four years time. My D30 Harmonic is a doozy and I’m going through the most challenging sub periods at moment too ie: KetuRahuSaturn : D30 Ascendant is in Aquarius, with the first house containing Ketu, Rahu and now that 6th lord Moon also there in the first house, is being  activated by the tertiary dasa of Saturn. This full on intensity with that third level Dasa Lord Saturn lasts until 10th of July 2022.

    You go girl! With that jumping back into your Level 2 studies and I wish you every success Janel.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    Hi CoVianna,

    I this is Franz, just wanted to let you know I have been having a lot of technical issues with the internet at home and finally solved them.  I feel I am quite behind now and starting to catch up. I just wanted to let you know I finished the relationship short reading and career short reading homework. They are both in the drop box now. I also started to work on the transits section in Mol 1 this week. So it might take some time before I catch up with the other students.

    Just wanted to let you know,  have a great Week,



    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,

    I have been checking in the Dropbox regularly, waiting for your recordings. They are not showing up in the 2020 file the way your first recording did. Are they in a 2022 file? I haven’t been able to open a 2022 file link as yet and will try again. I look forward to listening to your work 🙂

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,

    I’ve gone in and clicked on the link for homework recordings in class 1 and it keeps coming up with the 2020 File. You are listed as having membership of that file, however, only the first homework recording is there. Can you check which File you are in for the last two homeworks that you have submitted. Let me know here if it is in a 2022 file. If so I will contact Sadasiva and get it sorted.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna



    Sorry for the confusion.
    I invited everybody in the current Level 2 to upload the files to the new folder here:


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Gino,

    Great work with your first recording. My apologies for not giving feedback sooner as I am aware of the effort involved in doing recordings. I’ve just had access today to your Homework and so here is your feedback.

    Gino Graziano: – Hwk 1 – Chart Reading using Chart Template: You have a nice even flow of information for the client and you have expressed what things mean for them in a clear way for them to understand.

    You mainly kept to the template. When describing the ruling planet, remember to open up more here on the House that the ruling planet is in. Also Saturn’s dignity there etcetera, according to the Template flow. You could bring in Dig Bala information here as well. I realise that you opened up more on Saturn right at the end.

    In regards to the stellium – remember to discuss each planet in the stellium in terms of the house/houses it rules.

    When going on to describe each planet, remember they are house rulers. So the Jupiter information was good and could be expanded further because he rules dhana (wealth houses) in this chart and the house he is sitting in can describe the client’s relationship to wealth and how they go about that.

    Overall, this was great work, well done on your efforts here Gino. I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,

    Your Class 2 and Class 3 Homework recordings have still not shown up anywhere. Can you check if they are showing up in the 2022 Folder for you? I’m waiting for your response – I do hope that your internet connection issues are truly sorted for you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon as I want to give you feedback 🙂 .

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna


    CoVianna Young
    Senior Moderator

    Hi Franz,

    Here is your recording feedback,

    Francis Gurtlinger: Hwk 4 – Reading with Transits – I enjoyed hearing your confidence and really clear information presented in layman’s terms. With the Moon, I loved the description and the quote from John Lennon. That has been happening to me all weekend (ha ha).

    With the Transits portion…ooops I guess you had a momentary distraction. That 9th house is a Trinal house and that 10th house is an Angular house. You gave really good explanations of the transit planets Saturn and Jupiter.

    Remember to express the kind of aspects Saturn and Jupiter are making. Saturn is making a 3rd house aspect to put pressure on the ego etc. Mars gives out a 4th house aspect to deal with inner weakness. Because that transiting Mars is casting that 4th house glance to himself in the natal chart ie: Mars sitting in the 3rd house (Cancer) and is ruler of the 7th and twelfth houses, you could in this case also discuss Mars with the client (though not required in this assignment).

    Once again great work Franz. I would like to give feedback for Homework recordings 2 and 3. Could you again repost them to the 2022 folder so I can access them?

    Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna

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