Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Tara Bala Homework 2 – Analysis Reply To: Tara Bala Homework 2 – Analysis

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Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Tara Bala Homework 2 – Analysis Reply To: Tara Bala Homework 2 – Analysis


Nakshatra of Natal Moon is Ashlesha. Ashlesha is ruled by Mercury
Sister nakshatras include Jyestha and Revati
 Sun in Rohini ruled by the Moon & Ketu in Uttara Phalguni – Tara #4 Kshema nakshatra concerns security, home, well-being and peace
 Mercury in Mrgashira ruled by Mars – Tara # 6 Sadhaka Nakshatra concerns perfecting after overcoming challenges
 Mars in Pushya ruled by Saturn & Saturn in Pushya ruled by Saturn and Ra in Uttara Bhadra ruled by Saturn – Tara # 9 Parama Maitra nakshatra concerns the best or highest
 Jupiter in Swati ruled by Rahu– Tara # 7 Vadha nakshatra concerns separation and loss and unmet desires
 Venus in Ashwini in 12th house ruled by Ketu – Tara # 2 Sampat Nakshatra concerns enjoyment, wealth and receptivity

Sun in Rohini ruled by the Moon & Ketu in Uttara Phalguni – Tara #4 Kshema nakshatra concerns security, home, well-being and peace
Kshema nakshatra concerns security, home, well-being and peace and this is well-positioned in Earthly Taurus her ascendant giving power to these needs of the individual and an innate potential to create these needs. This earthly energy comes as second nature to this individual as she shows past life experience with it with Ketu in Virgo, the sign of responsibility and service. The Sun rules 4th house of deepest emotional and feeling state, the Mother, peace and property and it shows that her confidence comes when she is in a place of security, in a safe and comfortable space. This lady is a home-bird and is happiest surrounded by home comforts and cooking for others.
Mercury in Mrgashira ruled by Mars – Tara # 6 Sadhaka Nakshatra concerns perfecting after overcoming challenges.
Sadhaka Nakshatra concerns perfecting after overcoming challenges. Placed in Gemini in the 2nd house of values, self-expression and income, security and childhood. Challenges in these areas are studied and discussed or communicated and ruminated upon until resolved and diffused. Talk therapy is of great value to resolve emotional triggers for this individual. Her 5th house is also ruled by Mercury and shows her innate ability to express herself through her creativity. She is a wonderfully creative individual and find creative expression very therapeutic following stressful periods. Ke in Virgo shows past life experience with this.
Mars in Pushya ruled by Saturn & Saturn in Pushya ruled by Saturn and Ra in Uttara Bhadra ruled by Saturn – Tara # 9 Parama Maitra nakshatra concerns the best or highest
Parama Maitra nakshatra concerns the best or highest, though Mars is debilitated in Cancer, which is clearly demonstrated by conflicted relationship with brother and falling out with friends and lack of vitality and focus. Though the basic structure of Mars which is a need to do what is right and the childlike innocence remains intact. The fight may be internalised. Mars rules the 7th house of relationships and the 12th house of loss, sleep, liberation. She frequently has trouble sleeping. This may show as challenges in relationship or choice of partner (Scorpio may not reflect the stability Taurus needs for peace) and she can take people at their word despite the potential for Scorpio to not tell the truth.
The Moon is not comfortable around the coldness of Saturn. Saturn rules pushya and shows the commitment to nurture and take care of loved ones. It also shows a propensity towards stress which can become overwhelming at times. Saturn rules the 9th and 10th houses and show potential for devotion and high focus on career perhaps caring for others.
Parama Maitra nakshatra also falls on Rahu in the 11th house of ambition in Pisces in U Bhadra, an auspicious sign ruled by Saturn showing a committed and devotional ambition to move away from the material World and utilising the inherent creative talents to do that. This shows that there is a highly ambitious individual with big dreams and ideas.
Jupiter in Swati ruled by Rahu– Tara # 7 Vadha nakshatra concerns separation and loss and unmet desires
Vadha nakshatra concerns separation and loss and unmet desires in the 6th house of hidden enemies, service, illness and debt. Jupiter rules the 8th house of transformation showing an ability to transform through life’s challenges and in the 11th house of highest aspirations which may change based on the losses experienced during life. Indeed, she has the ability to review and revise her objectives based on her experiences be they good or bad and that ability to flow with wisdom is very strong. Swati is the nakshatra that concerns material desires and this may be an area that is challenging in that no long-term satisfaction can be gained from life’s material pleasures and the move towards personal evolution beckons.
Venus in Ashwini in 12th house ruled by Ketu – Tara # 2 Sampat Nakshatra concerns enjoyment, wealth and receptivity
Sampat Nakshatra concerns enjoyment, wealth and receptivity. Venus is in the 12th house of loss, liberation, sleep, the unconscious mind. Venus, the planet of creativity, comfort, diplomacy rules the 1st house of dharma and the self and the 6th house of service, hidden enemies, debt and service. This may show that the individual may release the trappings of the material life which come easily in favour of forging a new path in solitude and the liberation that it brings.

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