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CoVianna Young
Hi Dina,
Here is feedback for your Clint Eastwood’s Moon Yogas.
Dina Gower: Hwk 7 – Moon Yogas Clint Eastwood. Brilliant work again Dina. This was thorough work demonstrating a deep understanding of how Moon Yogas work. Thank you for the effort and diligence you put into your work. Your effect on me has been both inspirational and aspirational and would be for any of your fellow students. I aspire to be as good as you.
I found your mentioning of the Nitya Yogas very interesting (though beyond the scope of the homework requirement) as I have been finding the birth Nitya Yoga of the Panchanga to really speak to a true part of a person’s nature, and, the Karana as well.
I will discuss more in a separate post within this same Forum Topic (Discussions).
Well done you!
Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna