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CoVianna Young
Hi Dina,
Thanks for your response. Can I get back to you tomorrow as I’m to leave shortly to visit my daughter, an hours drive away, and I don’t get to see her very often. While Saturn has been transiting my twelfth house (in Capricorn) I’ve been unable to see her very much at all. Her Ascendant is also in my twelfth house. I was warned by a clairvoyant when she was four, that her father was planning to take her away from me, so when he did try, I was one step ahead of him and circumvented his plan. It’s her 40th birthday this month (27th) and she has been given a trip to LA and Las Vegas for her 40th. Sometimes she performs burlesque so a penthouse in Las Vegas will be very much an adventure. I’m just a tad nervous about her travelling from Australia to the US during such a turbulent time there. At least the west coast states feel safer. I’m about to type up your Homework feedback 🙂 .
Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna