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CoVianna Young
Hi Judith,
Here’s your feedback. Please stay safe and well during Sydney’s intense Covid Lockdown.
Judith Flick – Hwk 4 Transits Re-do: This was a great in-depth discussion of the Transits including aspects that Saturn and Jupiter cast, and how long the Transits last for all 4 Grahas. Remember to speak to “Saturn is putting pressure on…” and “Jupiter showing growth and optimism..” and “Nodes are currently bringing a lot of accelerated perceptions/confusion relative to their house transit over the chart”.
Also what was asked in the homework task was to “Try to do a 30 minute reading on that chart – using the Reading Template, integrating the Transits as well.” Â Your 15 minute reading of the Transits section would extend the full chart reading (minus the MahaDasa cycle section) to about 30 minutes.
It would be a good idea to revisit that ‘Chart Reading Template’ pdf in class one. Keep up your great efforts Judith. I look forward to listening to your Harmonic Charts Homework 🙂 .
Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna