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CoVianna Young
Here is some more recorded homework feedback:
Judith Flick – Hwk 3 Mini-Career reading: Hi Judith, I’m suggesting you have a go at doing this again – only if you want to. And I’m happy to give feedback if you do. This reading was a bit all over the place, including calling signs, planets again – which prompts me to ask to ask if you are writing this up fully first, then reading/recording your script? Or are you trying to read what you see in the chart, cold? It can take a lot of practice writing it up fully before you are ready to read the chart off the cuff. Your hesitancy and not sounding confident and mixing up planet and signs is speaking to this possibility. It took me a long time of writing a up Reading in detail first, and also listening to Sadasiva a lot before I could confidently speak, without preparation, to what I was seeing in a chart.
Please don’t see this as negative criticism, rather see it as being supportive of you to be a confident Jyotishi. Here are some pointers on how to approach this homework 3:
Briefly mention the Ascendant sign, it’s ruler and where that ruler is placed, and any planets in that first house.
Then go on to Section 1, where you will discuss briefly what the three Karakas/indicators are for career that apply to everyone as shown in the Rasi chart. There is a 4th Karaka/indicator – the D10 Harmonic chart which will not be discussed in this short reading.
Karaka 1 – briefly discuss the planet indicators for career (Saturn and Sun) including their qualities as they relate to career.
Karaka 2 – briefly explain what the 10th house ruler shows for everyone in that it is how we experience the lessons of Saturn and Sun; noting that what affects the 10th house ruler tends to affect how our careers unfold (leave the detail of that for this individual until Section 3).
Karaka 3 – briefly explain what looking at the 10th house shows us for everyone, in that it is the strength of career support in their lives. Such as, the ability to handle pressure and take on public responsibility. So planets in that 10th house for everyone (if there), will further their career experience (leave the detail of that for this individual until Section 3).
Now onto Section 2: Give a quick overview of this person as it relates to their career. That’s the first house itself and where does the ruler of that Sign of the 1st House lands in their chart – which House, which Sign, if joined any planets – which shows that planet’s expression and feeling.
Now onto Section 3: For each those 3 Karakas/indicators (which in Section 1 you referred to in general as common for everyone) – you will now assess in detail for this individual’s chart as they relate to career. You will be assessing what is affecting the Karakas/indicators.
I hope this helps guide you so that your readings will be clear for your future clients. Keep up your diligent efforts Judith. I’m so pleased that you are taking the opportunity to post homework recordings.
Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna.