Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Doing Readings Questions & Discussions Reply To: Doing Readings Questions & Discussions

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Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Doing Readings Questions & Discussions Reply To: Doing Readings Questions & Discussions


CoVianna Young

More Student feedback on Recorded Homework,

Judith Flick – Hwk 2 Mini-Relationships Reading: You gave a good explanation of the 3  Karakas and what the 9th Harmonic is about. Remember to analyse where that 1st House Ruler (in this case Jupiter) is placed. In this chart it’s in the 6th House in the environment of the Sign of Leo and it’s with another planet there.

I don’t know if it was due to nervousness Judith, I noticed a bit of confusion stating planets, signs and houses accurately. You said “But as Venus as a benefic and a rajasic sign in it’s own house shows…” – be careful not to cause confusion here. Venus is a benefic and a rajasic planet in it’s own sign Libra, also of rajasic expression, placed/sitting in the 8th House for this person. You said “Mercury is also sitting in the 8th house. Venus and Mercury are both rajasic signs…”. Remember they are planets not signs 🙂 .

When referring to the qualities of Libra make sure to name the sign as Libra, to be clear that those are not the qualities of the 8th house which you then discussed immediately after.

Looking at the 7th House – you gave a good presentation on what their partner could be like. Though at 7min46 you said “You also have the Moon sign Ketu in your 7th house” – make sure you refer to it as the ‘South Node of the Moon – Ketu’ just as you did correctly a little bit later. As well you referred to the Sun as a sign. Also you said “The Moon…and also represents our mother which is a water sign”. You missed saying ‘the Moon rules the sign, Cancer, which is also a water sign…’.

Judith, when you begin to do readings for people, you will find that they will interrupt you with “What is that?” or “What does that mean?” if those sanskrit terms such as ‘rajasic’ and ‘tamasic’ are accompanied with a brief explanation of what they refer to. You did well in explaining what a “kama” house means, so apply the simple explanation with other terms too. This helps the client to understand their reading especially when re-visiting their recording.

Keep up your good efforts Judith and your confidence will grow with each homework 🙂 .

Onwards and Upwards – CoVianna

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