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Vedic Astrology Truth Forums Level 2 Students Relationship Astrology Questions & Discussions Reply To: Relationship Astrology Questions & Discussions


Sebastian Urrea

I’m doing this on a couple I know well. Some of this analysis is informed by what I have observed about them over time.

Husband: 22:30 Nov 2, 1951 in Honda, Tolima, Colombia
Wife: 01:30 Oct 16, 1953 in Armenia, Quindio, Colombia

For him, he is Gemini ascendant and he has Sun and Mars in masculine signs. The Sun is debilitated, so it could show some hesitation with expressing individual power. Looking at Sun yogas, it’s preceded by debilitated Venus and Saturn. So to feel confident, he is going to gravitate towards things that are beautiful and pleasurable and bring comfort, but with very precise, high standards. I could definitely see this playing out as well as seeking the attention of women and partners in order to give him a boost of confidence in his masculinity. Saturn before the Sun does also show that he will feel confident in his commitments, in a long-term outlook and being able to dedicate himself to it, so I could see that supporting a long-term relationships (especially since Saturn is also joined Venus).

Mars is in the third house of Leo, joined Ketu. This can bring a lot of fiery expression of individuality, and some competitiveness and an opinionated nature. There’s probably a sense of wanting to feel like the king and a difficulty compromising with his ambitions and wishes in general. That Ketu joined Mars is going to give him that sort of smoldering inner masculine nature for sure, and that feeling of power could be a big draw but there’s definitely potential for explosiveness since its in Leo and in the third house.

Jupiter is in Pisces, a feminine sign but it is its own sign, so it is powerful. This will show up in his general nature; he’ll like be very inspiring to his partners as a person of integrity and good standards and values, so that could be a draw for people in relationships certainly. Jupiter is also his seventh lord in the tenth, so it shows a desire for a principled and righteous partner who will support his power, his career, his actions. This also works well with gender integrity, with the seventh lord in a feminine sign for the man.

The Moon is in Sagittarius, a masculine sign. He’ll have a fiery mind and a passionate feeling nature, guided by his beliefs and principles, so this also supports what I said before with Jupiter, particularly with having Jupiter in the fourth from the Moon.
Venus is in Virgo, a feminine sign, debilitated but exchanging with its ruler. He is liable to be very critical of partners, finding fault with them easily, especially since Jupiter is the seventh lord. He probably has very lofty ideals of what he would look for in a partner and it is difficult for them to live to those standards. I would also suspect that the simple, sensual pleasures of relationships are a big draw and motivating factor in relationships, almost like he wants someone who can fulfill his every desire. Having Venus joined Saturn can certainly show a desire for seriousness and commitment as well though, but given other factors this could show up in a more controlling nature, with difficulty compromising.

I am less confident about reading the navamsha here, because this time is not that precise and I haven’t rectified it. Assuming it is Taurus ascendant, it definitely shows a desire to gather and hold beauty and pleasure in relationships, supporting some of what I said earlier. Venus is the ascendant lord and the karaka and it goes to the ninth, forming a raja yoga. Mars is the seventh lord in the seventh, supporting a lot of wisdom around relationships. The Moon is in the first, so it shows some capacity for connection but it’s joined Saturn, which is going to limit that quite a bit. He probably feels self-conscious in his relationships quite a bit, and concerned with maintaining good boundaries to keep himself emotionally safe. This is echoed with Saturn in the 4th in the rasi joined Venus. Overall it’s a fairly healthy chart and I could see how it could help offset some of the difficulties that you would see in the rasi chart.

One thing that does catch my attention is that in the rasi chart, Venus the karaka is the 12th lord, and in the navamsha, Mars the 7th lord is the 12th lord. These two things kind of echo in a sense of being a bit disconnected from the partner, maybe having a story in his head that doesn’t fully line up with reality.

Now on to her. This chart I have rectified and I do actually think it is accurate enough to read harmonic charts.

The most striking thing about this chart is that she is Cancer ascendant, with the first lord the Moon in seventh house. On top of that, she has Ketu in the first and Rahu in the seventh joined the Moon. This shows many, many layers indicating a tendency to lose oneself in relationships and having great difficulty maintaining healthy boundaries. The one thing that offsets this a little is that the Moon being the first lord means that Rahu is also affecting first house areas of life, so it’s bringing some unity to the 1st-7th house axis in that way. But this has probably been an incredibly strong theme of confusion for her in life, how to relate to other people and maintain healthy boundaries.

With Ketu in the first she is going to be very self-critical and very self-negating. She is going to seek being defined by others as shown by Rahu in the seventh house. Being ruled by the Moon already shows a difficulty with boundaries and a desire to merge and flow with other people. Having the Moon in the seventh house shows that she places a lot of importance on relationships and often thinks of others and is gracious and accommodating to them. Rahu there also means that she will be very well-liked by others and popular with them.

The seventh house is Capricorn, so you could see a desire for relationships that provide a feeling of structure, stability, safety, and security. It’s interesting, the Moon is in a feminine sign which would make it more receptive, but it is Saturn’s feminine nature, which is about putting up boundaries, the exact opposite of Cancer. Again, another reason the push-pull dynamic between wanting to merge with others and needing to maintain healthy boundaries has been a point of confusion.

Rahu-Moon is going to show a lot of confusion in relationships in general, and a lot of fear, stress, and worry about other people. Given Cancer ascendant and the Moon, it could show a tendency to want to mother others to make sure that they are safe and taken care of. Rahu-Moon also gives a very strong, outwardly projected feminine nature, especially because it’s a pretty tight conjunction. I know she had many suitors when she was younger; this was probably a big draw for them.

Assessing Moon yogas, she has kemadruma yoga, so she will have a tendency to feel alone. Combined with the influence of the nodal axis, I’d expect this to create a lot of discomfort with being alone, lots of worry, stress and fear. This probably pushes her more towards looking to other people and relationships, to avoid being alone. But there are no planets in the seventh from the Moon; what actually shows up as the most stabilizing influence is career, especially with Saturn in the tenth from the Moon.
She also has Venus in Virgo, a feminine sign, debilitated as well. This can show desire for a partner who is like a king, though the conjunction is quite wide so its influence is probably not so strong. She has a similar problem as him, in that she is probably looking for someone who can fulfill all of her desires in an unrealistic sort of way. She could have a tendency to be critical of partners and their flaws, noticing all of the details that are out of place.

As far as her masculine energy, her Sun is in a feminine sign Virgo, and it’s also sandhi, about to shift into Libra where it will be debilitated. So that Sun energy is a bit unstable; she probably lacks a lot of self-confidence, especially with Ketu in the first as well, and this would push her to look for a strong Sun energy in a partner as a stabilizing influence.

Mars is in very good dignity in the second house of Leo, which could definitely give her a fiery will, especially about second house matters like establishing values and security. Jupiter is in the 12th house in poor dignity, in a masculine sign. So overall her feminine energy is definitely stronger, though she will have her moments of fieriness certainly.
Saturn is her seventh lord exalted in the fourth. Relationships are already hard for Cancer, they can really feel the insecurity in them with Saturn also being the 8th lord as well, and having that energy in her fourth house where Saturn is so exalted will bring more fear around her outlook with relationships. She will likely seek to control her relationships status as a way of keeping herself safe and secure, out of fear.
In the navamsha, she is Capricorn rising, which is very aligned with her Moon in the rasi. Her general outlook in relationships is to build structure, stability, and security. Having Rahu in the second house would tend to support this in some ways, looking to establish values and resources and security through relationships.

She also has Rahu joined both Venus and the Moon, showing a strong feminine expression of energy, though they are in masculine signs so this would show a little more assertiveness with that energy. Sort of like being forcefully feminine, exaggerating typically feminine qualities to try to manipulate situations rather than being overtly willful. The seventh lord is now the Moon, and joined Rahu it shows a strong desire for relationships with others. Joined Venus the karaka shows a similar dynamic, so it echoes what we see in the rasi.

Saturn the lord joins Mars in the 11th, which is a little difficult. Mars as the fourth lord in the 11th would show big ambitions for wanting to feel safe and peaceful in the heart in relationships. Saturn as the first and second lord shows that she’ll again place a lot of emphasis on that in how she relates to other people, and also establishing values and security as a big ambition. Mars is strong here, and the union between the two in general is probably a source of tension.


There are a lot of conjunctions and aspects through synastry, so there are a lot of buttons being pushed between the two. They both have a lot of planets going on around Leo-Libra, so this is where the majority of the energy is concentrated.

They have Mars at an almost exact conjunction in Leo. They’ll have a shared understanding of Mars energy, and a similar fighting style. But you could really see this causing an issue; they might feel like the other person is encroaching on their individuality and self-expression. This could be particularly hard on the wife, since his Ketu is on her Mars as well; he’ll be critical of her frustrations and individuality. There’s just so much fire and intensity going on in this one sign that you could see where there is a lot of conflict coming in.

But they also have Venus at a very, very close conjunction in Virgo. This can show commonality around enjoying the same kinds of pleasures, and sexual attraction. But especially since it is in Virgo, it could show excess. This is one of their strongest connections, enjoying the pleasures of life together. But as I mentioned before, it could really show a tendency to criticize one another and find fault with the other person not making them happy.

His Saturn is on her Venus. She’ll probably feel a sense of trust around his solid, masculine nature. She’ll feel a sense of trust and safety with him that she can relax into. But again, this gives more of a fatherly dynamic, so it could push down the attractiveness between the two and feel controlling for her. It does form a strong bond between the two though. He’ll likely see it as a relationship that he can make a commitment to and that is worth that commitment.

His Venus is also on her Sun. This could show attraction as well for sure, but it could show where her connection with him feels like it is distracting her from her path, vision, and individuality. This could also show a dynamic where she lights him up, he delights in her power, and she herself enjoys seeing that. It’s a reverse gender dynamic, so not ideal.

His Saturn is on her Sun. This can definitely show a bond that is lasting and brings commitment to the relationship. She can feel his commitment to her, which will be comforting, but she also might feel controlled by him, like he’s her father. This could bring her confidence down as well. It’s probably a little better for him; he’ll feel an ignition of their commitment.

The reverse is also true actually; her Saturn is on his Sun. He probably also feels like she brings down his self-confidence a little bit. But he’ll also feel her commitment, but it’ll again feel like a parent; he might feel very mommy’d and controlled by her (especially since she is Cancer).

They have Mercury conjoined. This will bring ease into the relationship in the sense that they’ll have a similar kind of communication style.

His Sun is on her Mercury. This can bring an intellectual connection into the relationship.

His Mercury is on her Saturn. She could help him get more serious about things and pay attention to the things that are important, and he could help her lighten up a little bit about things she is too serious about. She’ll also help bring form and shape to his ideas. This is one of the few conjunctions that doesn’t create a lot of charge, but since there is so much charge elsewhere I could see where this turns into him criticizing her for taking things too seriously and being worried and fearful about everything, and her criticizing him for not taking things seriously enough and not paying attention to important details.

Her Mars aspects his Jupiter. Since Jupiter is his seventh lord, this could be a bit intense. It could show where he feels like she is a bit pushy and aggressive, maybe in a passive-aggressive kind of way given everything else that is going on. Like he wants the relationship to have a more Jupertarian nature, maybe more traditional and aligned with bigger principles, but she is tending to push against that. Since Jupiter doesn’t aspect back it doesn’t really bring it’s grace to Mars easily.

Her Jupiter aspects his Sun and Mercury. He could feel like her influence helps expand his philosophies, principles, or worldview. In a way he could feel like she helps inform his vision and path with purpose and meaning. Since Jupiter is his seventh lord and Mercury is his first lord, he might feel like she is always watching him, which could be difficult given other dynamics. He could feel like she has tolerance around him, and around his interests. But he could feel like she has a lot of big philosophies that are kind of silly and don’t make a lot of sense. Since Mercury is his first lord, this could be a point of contention; it becomes a matter of his identity being questioned.

Her Saturn aspects his Moon. It will bring a sense of seriousness to the relationship for sure, but Saturn’s aspect can be difficult when it is only one way. His Saturn in his chart is not one of his more dignified planets, so this is more likely to feel controlling than comforting. He might really feel the heaviness of that Saturn aspect, like that commitment is based on a sense of obligation or out of a sense of fear. This is another indication of her trying to be responsible for him, specifically his feelings. He probably feels mommy’d by her quite a lot.

His Jupiter aspects her ascendant. This is a really strong connection that she has with him. She will really feel his hope and optimism, and given the strong influence of Saturn in her chart it will bring her a lot more positivity than she would have on her own. She’ll also see that Jupertarian energy in him and see his qualities of benevolence, righteousness, and grace when they come forth, and in those moments she’ll really see him as a good husband.

Interestingly, his Saturn aspects her Jupiter as well. She’ll likely feel his intensity here and feel like her ideas, principles, and philosophies are restricted, talked down. She could feel like her hopes are somewhat dashed and brought down by Saturn’s practical and rational assessment of things.

Kutas from the Moon

Varna Kuta: His caste is higher than hers, so this is ideal. She will be led by his values and pulled up by his conduct in general

Vashya Kuta: Since it’s one point, I assume it’s neutral. Neither is sacrificing themselves to the other.

Tara Kuta: Kind of confused about this one. In my software in dashakuta it shows as a full 3 points but in ashtakuta it shows 1.5 points. I thought it was either on or off, so I’m not so sure. It is the third tara from the husband’s moon to the wife’s moon, so that should be favorable.

Yoni Kuta: 2 points, so it’s fairly good. They’ll have a good sexual connection and feel like they have a similar emotional style as one another as well. They’ll be able to feel some bond through intense experiences together.

Graha Maitram: Jupiter and Saturn have a mutually neutral relationship, so one point is given. They have a pretty different approach to life, like they’re fairly different people and don’t have a ton in common with one another. They will share some things though.

Gana Kuta: Zero points here. He is rakshasa gana and she is manushya gana, so she probably feels disturbed by his eccentric nature and style. They have different temperaments; he’ll be a bit intense and eccentric and self-driven, while she’ll be more motivated towards wanting to live a pleasant, stable, happy life and wanting to have harmonious relations with other people (I’ve observed this playing out for sure; she’ll sometimes feel very embarrassed when she is with him in a social situation and he says something a little off-color or foot-in-his-mouth kind of thing).

Bhava Kuta: 0 points (Bhakoot). Their Moons (and their ascendants actually) are in a 2-12 relationship. The elements are right next to one another and they don’t have a lot in common. Supposedly this is said to be canceled because they have nadi kuta present, but it probably still shows up as something difficult that is missing. It feels like it’s hard for them to share structure and accomplishment in life, or similar ambitions and goals. They again like to do different things, and this could get into trying to change what the other person does.

Nadi Kuta: This is present, so they’ll be able to balance each other out emotionally to some extent. This probably forms one of their stronger connections. He is Adya (Vata or windy) and she is Antya (Kapha or watery). So when she gets too much in her emotional state, he is more flexible and intelligence and lightheartedness to the situation. But when he gets into an emotional state, he might tend to turn everything into some disconnected, intellectual idea (especially being Gemini), and she can help sensitize him and bring him back into the heart.

Other Conditioning Factors

Stri Dirgha: The distance from his Moon to her Moon is shorter, so this is intact. So it keeps him in the initiating role and maintains the masculine-feminine dynamic in the relationship.

Vedha Dosha: Not present, so that is helpful. It avoids a sense of mutual repelling.

Raju Dosha: Also not present, so it avoids difficulty here.

Mahendra: Not present, so there isn’t a particular connection here.

Vasya: Not present, so no particular connection here either.

Kutas from Other Planets

Skimming the other kuta scores for other planets (my software doesn’t seem to make a nice complete table like Sam showed unless I just can’t find it), these are the total aggregate scores:

  • Sun: 19
  • Moon: 14.5
  • Mars: 28
  • Mercury: 28
  • Jupiter: 17.5
  • Venus: 28
  • Saturn: 18.5
  • Ascendant: 15

So just in an overview sense, their strongest connections come from Mars, Mercury, and Venus. Mars is not the most ideal planet for a relationship connection already. Mercury is an interesting one, because in what I’ve observed communication is a point of difficulty between them; she wants to talk about things but he is eccentric about communicating and often doesn’t want to engage in conversations about goals, feelings, etc. The Venus connection was probably a big motivating factor in getting them together overall, but this connection has waned with time, as you might expect.

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