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Sebastian Urrea
This is the homework for the Tara Bala 1 class. I decided to do it on a friend of mine, who was born at 11:23 PM on July 4, 1982 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Her Moon is in Mula nakshatra. The deity of Mula is Nirriti, one of the forms of the goddess of destruction Kali. It has a sharp and dreadful nature, and the symbol is the tail of a lion or a crouching lion. Mula is the proving, courageous, fierce, and independent nature of Sagittarius, where we uproot the things that are untrue or making us week so that we can sow the seeds of things that are true and righteous that will lead us to a higher meaning or purpose. There is a destructive nature here, which can be difficult if it continues for too long or if it is not paired with proper discrimination. It is related to uprooting thoughts and different facets of the mind.
I can see this in some of the way she acts. The “sharp and dreadful” nature comes across as a very frank personality; she is very straightforward with people and has no issues voicing her opinion. She is sensitive to others but she has a no-nonsense kind of approach to life; she calls things as she sees them and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. This could definitely be seen also in the symbol of a crouching lion; she’s fun and sweet on the surface but if you push her she has a fierceness to her as well.
The qualities of Mula relating to uprooting mental patterns and beliefs I also definitely see as well. She has struggled in the past with various mental health problems that I won’t lay out in detail, but one of the things I admire about her is how she has been able to overcome them and be stronger as a result; Nirriti uprooting the weaknesses in the mind to leave room for new things to take root and grow.
She was born on a Sunday, and she has a strong Sun in her chart as well. She definitely has a lot of solar energy, she has a very creative persona and she takes on a lot of duty and responsibility and is very giving to others.
She was born on Shukla Chaturdashi, and just before a lunar eclipse. To be born on the waxing Moon gives a feeling of increase. And interestingly enough, the deity for chaturdasi is also Kali, and it also has a fierce nature that is about removing darkness. So it really echoes everything that I have already said about her and shows a lot of her strength and fortitude when facing and working with health issues.