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Kyle Geminden
The following is for my friend. He was born on December 9th in 1978.
Moon and Sun #1: Janma or Moon Nakshatra. Ideas and beginnings, but self-absorbed. Planets here influence appearance and personality.
HIs Moon is in Revati and his Sun is in its Sister Nakshatra of Jyestha. He is a gifted osteopath, healer, teacher and guide and has a genuine concern to help others on their life’s journey. One of the ways that he helps others, which may seem harsh, is to get them to say what they really think or believe and then counter that with truth.
Mars in Mula #2: Sampat Nakshatra. Enjoyment, wealth, receptivity.
He is very receptive to truth and when confronted with untruth in his life he has the discipline, strength and courage to uproot it and plant truth in its place.
Saturn in Purva Phalguni #3: Vipat Nakshatra. Frustration, competition, self-will and ego.
Through years of study and practice as well as having ambition, self-will and focus, he gathered the core essence of various healing modalities and formed a curriculum to teach to others.
Rahu in Uttara Phalguni #4: Kshema Nakshatra. Security, property, home, well-being, peace.
There is peace within himself with the curriculum that he has created and is currently working on expanding its availability to others with the goal of helping them learn to heal themselves and others.
Venus in Swati #7: Vadha Nakshatra. Separation, loss, unmet desires.
He is motivated by truth and whether it is acceptable by others or not ultimately doesn’t dissuade him and this has led to some separation and loss in relationships.
Ketu in Purva Bhadrapada #8: Maitra Nakshatra. Friendly, helpful, dutiful actions, getting assistance.
He is very inspired and has been given the ability to see or know the truth or essence of things and has a desire and a sense of duty to share that knowledge with others.
Jupiter and Mercury #9 Parama Maitra Nakshatra. Best or highest, like Maitra but even more.
His Jupiter is retrograde in Pushyami and his Mercury is retrograde in Anuradha. He is very spiritual, devotional, loyal and friendly. He has a tendency for going against the grain with conventional ways of thinking and religious traditions.